I thought it would be worth checking what was happening with this study. https://doi.org/10.1186/ISRCTN72645894 The following are attached: 1. A...
" Thank you to our reviewers 2017 Thank you to our reviewers http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/bmjopen-2018-reviewers The Editor would like to publicly...
Yesterday's news from the CFS/ME Research Collaborative A recap of yesterday's news and an email to Sue Paterson, director of legal services at...
UK CFS/M.E. Research Collaborative Since its inception in 2013, the UK CFS/M.E. Research Collaborative (CMRC) has successfully brought together...
The PRIME project: developing a patient evidence‐base Sophie Staniszewska, DPhil (Oxon) BSc (Hons), 1 Sally Crowe, Post Graduate Diploma, 2...
Investigating the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of FITNET-NHS (Fatigue In Teenagers on the interNET in the NHS) compared to Activity...
http://www.sleep-journal.com/article/S1389-9457(18)30017-0/fulltext?cc=y= Simon M. Collin, Tom Norris, Paul Gringras, Peter S. Blair, Kate...
Abstract Objective To investigate associations of physical activity at age 11 years with chronic disabling fatigue (CDF) at ages 13 and 16 years....
I thought this story (the second one) was so sad and infuriating that it deserves its own thread. It was later said in the thread that it's about...
The international collaborative on fatigue following infection (COFFI), 2018, Katz et al. Ben Z Katz,Simon M Collin,Gabrielle Murphy,Rona...
Just saw this appear as I was about to go to bed, so haven't read it yet, but expect it will be great and of interest to everyone here. Tom...
Just announced on the AfME Facebook page A paediatric M.E. research study that Action for M.E. was supporting has found alternative funding,...
Hi there, This is my first post so I wasn't sure which section exactly to post in - feel free to move this if it's not appropriate. I hadn't seen...
I don't remember seeing anything about this previously: MOrPH-CFS We know very little about the causes of CFS/ME, although it is sometimes...
I'd just noticed that this was available via Google cache, but not on the Bristol website, so thought I'd back up a copy here. Once I'd got...
The RCPCH Conference returns to Glasgow from 13-15 March 2018 for what promises to be an energising three days of inspirational talks,...
I found this video while pootling about on the interweb - [MEDIA] While it is a mash up and not a true representation of overall presentations...
New blog post today by David Tuller. - This post is about a serious issue–ethical approval for research studies involving children. It is also...
Another date for our diary, Esther Crawley confirmed as a speaker at the European Society for Paediatric Infectious Diseases (ESPID) later this...
I've made a practice of not publicly calling out Esther Crawley in part because the issues we face are so much bigger than any one researcher. 26...
Separate names with a comma.