I don't often post but this is a real concern see p7: Children and young people with Long Covid (CLoCK) (publishing.service.gov.uk). Study...
Key Points Question Is childhood lead exposure associated with the risk of mental illness or difficult personality traits in adulthood?...
Full title: Who should we ask about mental health symptoms in adolescents with CFS/ME? Parent-child agreement on the revised children’s anxiety...
Psychiatric co-morbidity in adolescents is common, with the majority of those who have depression also having at least one anxiety disorder, and...
People may also be at risk of persistent physical symptoms (PPS). Generally, these are defined as persistent bodily symptoms with functional...
https://www.quantamagazine.org/mitochondria-may-hold-keys-to-anxiety-and-mental-health-20200810/ Research hints that the energy-generating...
Stuart, R., Campbell, S., Osumili, B., Robinson, E. J., Frost-Gaskin, M., Pacitti, R., ... Henderson, C. (2020). Do welfare benefit reassessments...
https://link.springer.com/referenceworkentry/10.1007/978-981-10-0753-8_33-1 Mental Health and Illness of Children and Adolescents pp 1-8 | Cite...
Just before the general election, a colleague and I met shadow health secretary Jonathan Ashworth’s team to make the case for scrapping the...
Not particularly interesting....
The National Clinical Audit of Anxiety and Depression (NCAAD) has published a new report following an audit of psychological therapies provided in...
The experiment with providing counselling to one in 30 people – Improving Access to Psychological Therapies [IAPT] – appears to have broken the...
Ieso Digital Health will provide online appointments through its online ThinkWell platform [IMG] Internet-enabled cognitive behavioural therapy...
Mezzina, originally from Bari, told me he had never used restraint on a patient during his 41-year psychiatry career in Trieste. This is striking...
Patients with mental illnesses are left languishing for months on "hidden" waiting lists by England's NHS talking therapy service, the BBC can...
I know a few of us follow Samei Huda on Twitter. He's a nice guy and has been quite supportive re ME....
A new campaign aims to force the government to scrap its insistence that finding a job or returning to work is an important health “outcome” for...
A powerful article by Russell Fleming, the Content Manager of the ME Association. It's about mental health issues due to ME/CFS and how to cope...
Off-rolling has recently become a buzzword in the world of education. It refers to the removal, by various means, of students from schools’...
Separate names with a comma.