Is it true that more than half of medical consultations are for MUS? A look at the evidence.

Discussion in 'General Advocacy Discussions' started by Trish, Mar 12, 2019.

  1. Hutan

    Hutan Moderator Staff Member

    Aotearoa New Zealand
    This thread has been temporarily closed for moderation.
  2. Daisybell

    Daisybell Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    New Zealand
    Moderator note:
    A number of posts on this thread were in breach of Rule 1 - no personal attacks or public accusations.
    Accordingly, some posts have been edited and several have been deleted as they were responding to now deleted material.
    Please can everyone be mindful of our rules going forward and focus on the topic of the thread. Thank you.
  3. TiredSam

    TiredSam Committee Member

    The title of this thread is:

    If members want to examine whether a given statistic is true or not, what's the problem?

    The title of this thread is whether the statistic is true or not. It may be entrenched, but so what? It may be useful for the ME cause, but again, so what? Some members may have ethical concerns about quoting a statistic that is known to be dodgy just because it is thought to be useful. That's the kind of attitude we are used to from the BPS activists. The papers that have demolished PACE have stuck to what is known to be true, so they can't be argued against.

    I may or may not be good, I am not trusting, I am a professional. Not sure what purpose categorising S4ME members serves. For the purposes of this thread I'm just someone who's interested in the subject of the thread title, ie is the 50% figure true? I don't feel I have to justify or defend such an interest. It's just something I'm interesting in knowing more about.
    Members of S4ME are a mixed bunch, are you sure that in the brief time you've been here you're in a position to characterise everybody as a group, and are you sure it's necessary? "Well-meaning" implies naive or misguided to me, but let's not get into that, I'd rather stick to the subject in the title of the thread.
    Arnie Pye, Barry, sea and 9 others like this.
  4. Trish

    Trish Moderator Staff Member

    Hi Diane, I have gone back through this thread trying to get my head around just what you are saying about the 50% figure. I'm sorry this post is rather long. I am trying to sort out your point about the statistics and in what way they can be challenged. I now have a copy of the Kroenke paper and will address it in my next post.

    my bolding.

    But you do seem to accept the idea that the stats you quote are correct in reporting the proportions of patients whose symptoms are unexplained. You refer here to 'that portion of the patient population'. That seems to imply that half the population have a problem with getting a diagnosis.

    Your paper starts with these sentences:

    And your introduction starts:
    And the part of your paper relevant to the discussion starts with this.
    My bolding.
    I will address the point I have highlighted in my next post.

    You then go on to quote the Up to Date use of 'more than 50% and the UK guideline us of the Wessely et al. 52% figure. I don't dispute that they use these figures.

    my bolding

    This is where I have a problem with your analysis of the situation. You correctly state that the 50% figure is being used in policy documents relating to that area of 'medicine' and is commonly accepted in the MUS field. That doesn't make it correct. You acknowledge that there are problems with the research. We are in agreement there.

    The place where I part company with you is the final paragraph of this post. Why on earth do you believe that 50% of outpatient symptoms are unexplained. Or as you seemed to imply in the post I quoted at the top of this post, that 50% of patients aren't getting a diagnosis. Can you provide any evidence to support either of these statistics?

    my bolding

    I agree that it's important to point out, as from my understanding you are doing in your paper, that there are ethical problems in conflating a symptom being medically unexplained, and that symptom belonging in the field of psychosomatic disorders, somatisation etc.

    But do you also challenge the unethical inflation of statistics by these MUS 'experts' to support their case, and the inaccuracies in the 50% figure used in policy documents? As far as I can see your paper does not challenge the numbers, and you have repeated in this discussion that you believe the 50% figure to be accurate. Your whole paper is built on the premise that 50% of outpatient appointments don't lead to a biomedical diagnosis and/or that 50% of symptoms presented at such clinics are unexplained. That claim is what I'm trying to get to the bottom of.
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2019
  5. Trish

    Trish Moderator Staff Member

    A closer look at the Kroenke and Mangelsdorff paper referred to in my previous post and discussed in post #2 of this thread.
    Common symptoms in ambulatory care: Incidence, evaluation, therapy, and outcome, Kroenke and Mangelsdorf 1989

    Diane has helpfully pointed out that there are too many papers on the prevalence of MUS for me to try to tackle them all, but that this paper has been particularly influential in MUS policy making.

    This is borne out by it being singled out from all the papers to quote (or misquote) by Wessely et al in their paper that is used as the source paper for the 52% claim in the NHS MUS guidance document (see post #1)

    I have now obtained a copy of the full paper and read it.

    Before I go into the detail of what Kroenke actually found, I remind you of the way it has been quoted:

    Wessely et al:

    Diane O’Leary:

    Now let me look at what the paper actually says:

    In the abstract:

    A retrospective study of the medical records of 1000 patients of one internal medicine outpatient clinic over a 3 year period were examined for new reports of 14 pre-selected symptoms.
    In the full paper this is clarified:

    38% had 1 or more of the listed symptoms, made up of:
    24% 1 symptom; 9% 2 symptoms; 3% 3 symptoms, 2% 4 or more symptoms.

    Total symptoms from the list = 567
    Organic cause diagnosed = 84 (14.8%)
    Psychological cause diagnosed = 58 (10.2%)
    No cause found = 425 (75%)

    Treatment recommendations were recorded for 311 of the 567 symptoms.
    There is also an interesting discussion of follow up, improvement and treatment outcomes for the different subsets.

    My notes

    This is an internal medicine clinic and they say most of their work is with patients with chronic organic disorders such as hypertension, diabetes, cardiopulmonary disorders and arthritis, and they say the majority of visits are for these known conditions.

    We have no information about the diagnostic pathway of 62% of the patients who didn’t report symptoms on the list, nor about other well understood organic symptoms reported by the 38% group.

    So both the percentage of patient visits, and the percentage of symptoms that were undiagnosed must logically be far smaller than the figures quoted by Wessely et al. and O’Leary.

    Returning to those statements:
    Wessely et al.
    This statement is clearly very misleading nonsense. It was not a study of new outpatient attendees, it was a 3 year retrospective study of all consultations by 1000 patients. Since we have no information about whether the 62% of patients studied had any problems getting their symptoms diagnosed, nor whether other symptoms of the 38% were diagnosed. We only have information about whether a particular subset of the 38% group’s symptoms were diagnosed, nothing about whatever other symptoms they reported.

    This statement is also inaccurate. She does at least refer to symptoms, not patients, but there must have been lots of symptoms that weren’t include in the study, since 62% of patients did not have their symptoms included at all. The 14 symptoms were selected by the researchers precisely because they are symptoms, such as constipation and headache, for which there usually is no known organic cause.

    In both cases, this misuse of statistics bolsters the misinformation conveyed in the papers. While the purpose for doing so is very different - in Wessely’s case to support his psychosomatic approach; and in O’Leary’s case to try to support patients by challenging the psychosomatic approach - the fact remains that both are helping to perpetuate a myth.
  6. Roy S

    Roy S Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Illinois, USA
    Keith Geraghty has some relevant recent tweets-
  7. large donner

    large donner Guest


    The point of the term MUS in the UK is to save billions not to spend it so in all likely hood the 50% figure came from lies and was deliberately presented to stupid policy makers.
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2019
    Arnie Pye, Inara, JohnTheJack and 4 others like this.
  8. Diane O'Leary

    Diane O'Leary Established Member (Voting Rights)

    The paper's arguments do not depend on the 50% figure - that's not accurate. I suppose it will feel more or less important as a problem depending on how many patients you think are undiagnosed.

    You are correct that I am not challenging the idea that roughly half the time outpatients do not get a diagnosis. I believe that the general sense of diagnostic success has been greatly inflated in everyday culture for many years.

    The 50% figure makes sense if you think about it. The vast majority of Sx that people take into a medical appointment are benign and self-resolving. And diagnostic science is just not that advanced. Think about the difference between now and a hundred years ago - then imagine what more we will know about diagnosing disease in a hundred years.

    What, exactly, leads you to think that diagnostic science is usually successful?

    It's important that there is a great deal of research on rates of unexplained symptoms outside of the BPS camp, and it's important that this is not about the UK - so even if you find what you think is evidence of inflated figures in the UK, that's not going to matter because this is a globally accepted picture. My sense is that it's a standard point of health policy - so health budgets have been designed around it for a long while.

    I don't think your government has inflated the rate of undiagnosed Sx. But your government is the worst that I know of when it comes to the assumption that all undiagnosed symptoms have psychological causes. There is very clear evidence that your government has studied the cost of undiagnosed Sx, and studied the savings with psychological management - so there's very clear evidence that diagnostic practice has not been guided by what's best for patients. It's been guided by what's best for the budget. My opinion is that this is the heart of the problem, and we can address it.
  9. Diane O'Leary

    Diane O'Leary Established Member (Voting Rights)

    That's just not tenable. There is far, far too much research to support it, and this research is global. The Up To Date system, for example, is the global leader in research review and summary (made in the US), and they use the 50% figure.

    Keep in mind that it's 50% undiagnosed patients - not 50% psychosomatic patients. It's the leap to psychosomatic that's a lie, and that problem is particularly serious in the UK.
    Pyrrhus, Inara, ScottTriGuy and 2 others like this.
  10. Diane O'Leary

    Diane O'Leary Established Member (Voting Rights)

    I sure appreciate your diligence and your clarity, Trish. I think it's important that the 50% figure does not directly support the Wessely approach. The Wessely approach is one way of managing the 50% problem that's extremely cost effective - but that doesn't mean the Wessely approach is the source of the problem. That's confused reasoning.

    I'm afraid I'm not seeing the point of all the effort with this paper. The Up to Date system provides global access to concise summaries of current research and consensus on every condition. That system notes that more than 50% of patients are not suffering from a medical condition. Even if this one paper is utterly unscientific, even if Wessely inflated it and I inflated it and you can prove all of that beyond all doubt, what then? It's a drop of rain in the sea. You cannot possibly make progress on disputing the 50% picture by finding fault with this paper or interpretations of it. (Well, you can find research to support any figure you happen to prefer - but the range is wide enough to make 50% reasonable. I think that's how people see it.)

    But think about what Up to Date is actually saying there! 50% of patients are not suffering from a medical condition?

    The thing to be concerned about there is not the idea that diagnostic science fails half the time. The idea that half of patients cannot possibly be suffering from illness - that is absolutely tragic. It is utterly outrageous, at a level that's immediately obvious to everyone outside of psychiatry.

    When I do public lectures on MUS all I have to do to establish that there's a serious problem with this area of medicine is to put that Up to Date statement up on a powerpoint slide. Medicine manages uncertainty in a way that's blatantly unscientific. This is not a subtle problem. It's not about the UK, it's not about ME, and it's not about any one paper. It's a flashing red light of human threat - and there is not one patient, adult or child, conscious or unconscious, injured or ill, who is not directly threatened by it.
    sea, Inara, ScottTriGuy and 3 others like this.
  11. Esther12

    Esther12 Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I get the impression people are talking at cross-purposes a bit. A lot of people here will ask 'is there any good evidence for that' with any claim being made by an authoritative source, regardless of the impact of the claim. A lot of the probing of research is more about intellectual curiosity than the pragmatic pursuit of any particular end. Maybe this partly reflects peoples experiences, where 'pragmatism' has often been used as a justification for the promotion of misinformation relating to ME/CFS that ends up harming patients in ways researchers have failed to account for.
  12. Jonathan Edwards

    Jonathan Edwards Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    London, UK
    Thanks for the clarification, @Trish. It is interesting to see just how much Wessely has misrepresented data, not just his own but other people's.
  13. large donner

    large donner Guest

    So Up to Date Collates the info and uses a 50% figure? Does that tell you the source of any potential meme that leads to the eventual figures for the diagnostic label MUS?

    If we look back over the life of the term MUS is it on an upward curve or a downward one or has it remained steady?

    When I stated the issue of the term MUS suiting the UK medical establishment I wasn't being exclusive. I am pretty sure overstating of such a diagnostic label could exist equally all around the world and would conveniently suit who ever picked up the bill for medical care be it in a socialised system or a private insurance based one.

    There is also the issue of empire building and even if the figure is claimed to be the same all around the world that doesn't exclude potential deliberate marketing of the term to make it take on a life of its own via policy and education.

    One only has to look at the US DSM as one example to understand how this could work.

    Things can take on a life of their own built on poor foundations. If a figure is similar all around the world for a certain claim it doesn't tell you automatically what the motive was or wasn't for that.

    Would you comment on the US DSM in terms of its categorisation of "illnesses" and the potential implications that could have in meme building and how it could affect the ability to collect accurate information on categorisation of diseases/diagnsotic labels etc?

    Or perhaps comment on the US medical insurance industry?
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2019
    oldtimer, Wonko and Dx Revision Watch like this.
  14. JohnTheJack

    JohnTheJack Moderator Staff Member

    Very interesting post. Thanks for your hard work on it @Trish and for your clear analysis.
    Arnie Pye, ScottTriGuy, Sean and 7 others like this.
  15. ME/CFS Skeptic

    ME/CFS Skeptic Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    So 30 years ago Kroenke and colleagues went to an Internal Medicine Clinic for military personnel in Texas and they looked at the charts. They searched for 14 common symptoms that often remain unexplained such as fatigue, dizziness, cough, numbness, constipation etc. Of the 1,000 patient charts studied, only 38% had one of those 14 symptoms. The other 62% of patients are left out of the analysis. Data were dependent upon what physicians had documented in the records. So if a doctor didn’t note fatigue in a patient with MS, Kroenke and colleagues would have no idea the symptom was there. Furthermore: for some reason, chronic complaints were excluded.

    So that’s the data the famous Kroenke et al. paper is based on…

    Very revealing.

    Thanks for pointing this out @Trish !
    Arnie Pye, Inara, ScottTriGuy and 9 others like this.
  16. Hoopoe

    Hoopoe Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    It's rather hard to do a sensible analysis of problems whose only common denominator is being unexplained.
    Barry, ScottTriGuy, Trish and 6 others like this.
  17. Jonathan Edwards

    Jonathan Edwards Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    London, UK
    I guess relevant that this was a military personnel cohort. That would be totally unrepresentative of the general population. Probably few women!!
  18. Daisybell

    Daisybell Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    New Zealand
    Am I being stupid about this - if this study was a retrospective search for specific symptoms, surely these symptoms might have been recorded coincidentally at the time of the appointments? What I mean is that there is no way of knowing that people reported them due to asking the doctor about the symptom or because the doctor asked them if they had any other symptoms e.g. constipation? Like a general health check...
    Which means the whole figure is even more completely bogus - if that’s possible!
    Arnie Pye, ScottTriGuy, Hutan and 6 others like this.
  19. Jonathan Edwards

    Jonathan Edwards Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    London, UK
    Indeed, 120% bogus. Maybe 520% bogus. The only people who could possibly think it worth taking these figures seriously would be people who have a vested interest in taking them seriously.
    ScottTriGuy, Amw66, rvallee and 6 others like this.
  20. Trish

    Trish Moderator Staff Member

    It was a military hospital that served the military, their families and retired military. They claim the demographics were pretty representative of the population.

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