Millions Missing May 2018 - in Germany

Discussion in 'Advocacy Projects and Campaigns' started by Joh, Feb 10, 2018.

  1. Miri

    Miri Established Member (Voting Rights)

    Hey guys, I got already a very nice and quick answer from the regional group in Aachen.

    I just sum it up in my own words:

    They are really interested in an action like millions missing but because they are just in the foundation phase and first meet at the end of march they do not have the time.
    As an alternative they suggest that I ask the regional group in Dortmund if they want to support such an action in Düsseldorf in front of the state parliament e.g.. In addition to that they could find 1 or 2 volunteers who would support this action from Aachen.
    The leader of the regional group in Dortmund is the chairperson of the Fatigatio and it is Edelgard Klasing. She gave me the contact data from Mr. Klasing and I should ask her.

    So next step for me would be asking Mr. Klasing and the regional group. The only thing that is problematic for me is Mr. Klasing especially against the background with the recently new published german guideline.

    What should I do now?
    Inara and Joh like this.
  2. mari_gold

    mari_gold Established Member (Voting Rights)

    Hello all,

    wow, the conversation got so long, still have to catch up with it ;)

    Thanks @Joh for the deeper information about volunteering! I was thinking the same: They definitely take into account that there are lots of "not-being-able-to-volunteer-all-the-time-people".

    Does anyone of you @Joh? have lists what to consider organizing public events (how to book or ask for official permission for demonstration space), how to practically collect shoes etc. You wrote about the English pages and organizations that should have it do you have any links? Otherwise I’ll try and look them up. Or did someone already ask the German Gesellschaft for organizing stuff? Don't want to overrun them with all the same questions at a time...

    The Selbsthilfegruppen – support groups: Yes, I agree, even when they are originally fatigatio, I experienced all people as helpful and openminded (so it’s right you never can mix up members with the head and representatives of an organisation - at least in this case, I guess) and I could ask at the next meeting of my group if they would participate and even organize Millions Missing.

    @Miri: That’s so cool you’re so active! Why not ask the fatigatio chairperson for help in an NRW event. Nothing to loose (except energy ;-) but as you are so fast in writing mails maybe a “no” from their side would be acceptable. It’s just a try (in my opinion).

    To Stuttgart and Tübingen I can bring even more easily (or let bring) my shoes!!! @Miri, @Inara

    How about the people in Berlin you could activate and ask @ Joh? Or is it already vom Tisch?

    Yes, of course we’re young @Miri @Joh and 85 Euro is a lot…sadly…
    Would be great to show with Millions missing that we’re not just old people and have to live in dire circumstances in the future.

    Off topic:
    Did you Southies @Inara, @Lenny hear about the Unrest filmscreening in Freudenstadt (black forest region). It's without Q & A and discussion, I guess, but a public screening! Just spottet it on the Unrest homepage on the filmscreening map. Didn't want to go off topic though.
    Inara and Miri like this.
  3. Lenny

    Lenny Established Member

    Thank you for your warm welcome!

    I think I agree with you. Scientific discussions are probably a bit (or way) to much. Still there are additional things to organize (like talking to the lokal news reporter and linking them to some environmental Dr.) needed but they are (like you stated) doable.

    Thank you for the info! Unfortunately that's mcs-wise and due to the energy levels impossible for me.
    Inara and Joh like this.
  4. Inara

    Inara Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I see :( What about new posters then? We would need a rack or something though...

    Ehm, is it now decided to make MillionsMissing in Tübingen?! What about doing smaller events in several cities? Not so good? I'm fine with any place, I'll try to help where possible.

    I think that's a good idea. Also, I didn't take it that the DG is not interested, only that they can't organize it. Correct?

    Yes, good idea!
  5. Inara

    Inara Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I can't take that too much of that, too. I think complaining and being sad is important, and a community is there to listen and emphathise, but so is taking action, doing the best for oneself, being a little happy and laugh.
    Miri likes this.
  6. Miri

    Miri Established Member (Voting Rights)

    Are you taking part in the Millions missing call on February 22th on 7 pm?
    I will.
    Joh and Inara like this.
  7. Inara

    Inara Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Hi and welcome @Lenny! I hope you enjoy this forum. Are you from Tübingen, too?
    Lenny and Joh like this.
  8. Inara

    Inara Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I agree with @Joh.

    Still, one aspect should be considered: the medicine in Tübingen is very conservative; it's a stronghold of Psychiatry and Psychology.

    Surely, Hannover, Hamburg, Berlin or Düsseldorf are much more modern. Stuttgart isn't very open-minded in my experience. But the Königstraße would be full on a Saturday, and there's the Schlossplatz.
    Lenny, Joh and cyclamen like this.
  9. Inara

    Inara Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I wouldn't include Klasing.
    Joh likes this.
  10. Inara

    Inara Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    No. Now I do. Great! :)
    Joh and mari_gold like this.
  11. Inara

    Inara Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    May I ask for a summary what we have so far?

    Have we agreed on place(s)?

    After that, we could address the points @mari_gold raise.

    I have never organized something like that, but I understood @Joh could give a hand with that (i.e. what to do etc.). As @Lenny says rightly, local newspapers must be contacted, and I never did that.

    Next, I too have problems to stand in front of a public. I wouldn't want to be alone, I just lack the courage for that.

    I should consider that.
  12. Miri

    Miri Established Member (Voting Rights)

    Quick summary from my side

    - I did ask the DG and the LVS but waiting for answers
    - I could contact the regional group in Dortmund but are not sure to do so. The reasons are well known
    - depending on the reaction of the DG and LVS I would seek for assistants on Facebook and may be we can get more people on board
    - I can just help from my couch, cannot be physically there
    mari_gold and Inara like this.
  13. Inara

    Inara Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    What do you think about leaflets or cards? I could ask my brother-in-law if he would be willing to make the design (he makes that for a living). But the cost has to be considered for the printing.
    Lenny and Miri like this.
  14. Inara

    Inara Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Thanks @Miri, great list, and very helpful for me!

    Depending on the place I could be present, but not for too long and I need the possibility to sit at least.
    Lenny and Miri like this.
  15. Miri

    Miri Established Member (Voting Rights)

    I like those idea. If we would have an organization in our back we might get financial support.
    Inara likes this.
  16. Sly Saint

    Sly Saint Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Inara, mari_gold and Joh like this.
  17. mari_gold

    mari_gold Established Member (Voting Rights)

    That's so true, Interesting to read here the same...

    To have Millions Missing in even more towns and cities would be great.

    I also haven't organised events like this yet and being bed/homebound doesn't make it easier but trying to get involved healthy individuals I'm looking for some practical infos. Maybe I can attract friends and colleagues to some organization tasks.
    Miri and Inara like this.
  18. mari_gold

    mari_gold Established Member (Voting Rights)

    Inara and Joh like this.
  19. Inara

    Inara Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Oh @Sly Saint, I won't listen to that song - it's an earwig.
    Lenny, TiredSam and Joh like this.
  20. Joh

    Joh Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Here's so much going on that I can't keep up. :thumbup:

    I think Berlin might still be in the race. Just heard from the DG that they're going to talk to the pwME in Berlin I mentioned (who wishes to organize MM but needs support) in the next days. I think they're very interested and just don't want to do all the organizing alone this time. So we could all support Berlin or support Berlin and organize an additional protest in Tübingen (or south of Germany). :)

    Happy to make a list what needs to be done and search for how-to guides at ME Action's website but it'll take a a few days because there's so much other stuff at the moment.

    Hi southis @Inara, @mari_gold and @Lenny, you could let the local group know that the wrong Unrest (the horrortrash from 2006) is advertised in all local cinema programs (I found 3):
    Miri and mari_gold like this.

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