Millions Missing May 2018 - in Germany

Discussion in 'Advocacy Projects and Campaigns' started by Joh, Feb 10, 2018.

  1. Inara

    Inara Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Hä, a wrong Unrest?! WTF? I get it after reading the other thread. Incredible. :eek:

    I am happy to support any city, where possible. If realistic I can help with Tübingen, too. But who'll be there all the time? I can't :( only for a short time.

    And thanks for providing a list, the, @Joh!
    Invisible Woman and Miri like this.
  2. mari_gold

    mari_gold Established Member (Voting Rights)

    Invisible Woman, Joh and Inara like this.
  3. Lenny

    Lenny Established Member

    Hey Inara, indeed I am. I'll send you later a pm. Thank you :)

    As I'm not a member of the Fatigatio maybe someone else could make post about this issue in their internal forum?
  4. Joh

    Joh Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Just baffled why the Fatigatio or the regional group are not checking how the sites look and which programs have included the movie. This should be natural when you organize something. I understand that the regional group are private people who might forget but that's something at least the Fatigatio should know and be on top of.
  5. TiredSam

    TiredSam Committee Member

    Earwig is the literal translation of Ohrwurm, ie the little animal. If you want to say Ohrwurm in the sense of a catchy tune you can't get out of your head once you've heard it, you can say "earworm" in English now, a word which is only used in that context and was probably pinched from the German.

    For a further discussion of earworms:

  6. mari_gold

    mari_gold Established Member (Voting Rights)

    @TiredSam @Sly Saint that's so nice. We need a bit Auflockerung :) and I like to hear that there are still words sneaking into other languages. We should add some Russian or Dutch examples.

    @Joh I agree :thumbsup:
    Invisible Woman, Inara and Joh like this.
  7. Joh

    Joh Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Good to know. I didn't know the word earwig before and it made me smile because I had to think of an ear with a wig. :)


    But in my fantasie, the ear had a wig like judges.

  8. Inara

    Inara Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    If Berlin is the choice, what about Alexanderplatz?
    Joh likes this.
  9. Joh

    Joh Senior Member (Voting Rights)

  10. Joh

    Joh Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Last edited: Feb 12, 2018
  11. Miri

    Miri Established Member (Voting Rights)

    We really should convince the german association and lost voices to join. they cannot do it alone so we will support. even from our beds we can do things like preparing a speech together or looking for location and all the organization stuff that comes along with that...

    The thing is this year should not be lost. We have the film unrest, there is so much media attention in the world. we don't know how it will be next year. so "wir sollten auf den zug aufspringen und das nutzen".
    It is so hard to get any attention for me/cfs and I think this year is the year and we should use this time frame!!!!!
  12. mari_gold

    mari_gold Established Member (Voting Rights)

    Thank you so much @Joh!!! :)
    I'm going to read it tomorrow (or tonight if I'm having trouble to sleep ;-)
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2018
    Invisible Woman and Joh like this.
  13. MErmaid

    MErmaid Guest

    Under the Sea
    Hi @Joh!

    Been thinking about his all day. We need to dump FB and start a new global (borderless) advocacy website. One where we can post a list of tasks, and where people can sign up to take ownership of a task. People can chart their progress with a task, and mark it done when complete. They will get some kind of positive reinforcement for completing a task, like points earned.

    The site needs to be positive, fun, and visually appealing. It needs to attract healthy people, PwME, and anyone else that wants to roll up their sleeves and contribute.

    Tasks can break down into their complexity and estimated time to complete a task. Also, we could note tasks that can be completed at home in bed vs tasks that need to be completed outside of the home.

    I need to keep thinking more about this.
    MSEsperanza, mari_gold, Inara and 3 others like this.
  14. Miri

    Miri Established Member (Voting Rights)

    Morning guys,

    I just stared a general ask in German Facebook groups about who is interested in a millions missing action and would support it. At the moment the interest ist moderate but some people said there are interested and suggested the following cities:

    - Nürnberg/Fürth/Erlangen
    - cologne/düsseldorf

    I think about founding a fb group in Germany just for planning the action and acquiring people.

    Would/could you join the discussion there? Joh I hope your fb issue can be fixed.

    I wonder whether it is easier on fb to plan and get new people on board or inviting the people to this forum. For me FB seems more flexible and has a better outreach and is more accessible. What do you think?
    Inara likes this.
  15. Inara

    Inara Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I won't come to Facebook, but it's only me.

    I am confused with the cities. Of course, different people will name different cities. Do we have the resources to make this happen in several cities? Where would the impact be higher? Maybe we should decide that first before going on?

    What are the thoughts about @MErmaid's suggestion?
    Miri likes this.
  16. Miri

    Miri Established Member (Voting Rights)

    These are suggestions.
    We should look where we do have the highest number of persons who could support the action in the Field and if the place is promising.
    For the ones who do their job at home - like me for instance - it does not matter where the action takes place in Germany.

    We Will find a solution to keep everybody updated whether he or she is on fb or on this forum or not.

    I hope for a positive sign from LVS and DG :)
    Inara likes this.
  17. Miri

    Miri Established Member (Voting Rights)

    I like her idea. As far as understood her she things about an international fb group for all who are planning Millions missing action in their cities. I don’t know if it would be confusing for people from different countries, and not everyone is able to write in English but on the other hand you can learn from each other. I don’t know if it is possible to organize within a fb group the action by countries.

    Might be a question for Ben HsuBorger on the call next week if me action could provide the infrastructure for a planning fb group....
  18. Joh

    Joh Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Just remember, if the event will (also) take place in Berlin, that the shoes and posters are probably taken.
    An international platform exists and you can write to MEAction if you'd like to get involved (I can't send invites). There are people from all over the world and projects, but not many people from Germany. International Millions Missing facebookgroups also exist.
    If you take the planning away from here (to a place where some can't follow) I'm not sure how we would be involved in any way. Sounds like it would be two events then?
    Inara, Invisible Woman and TiredSam like this.
  19. Miri

    Miri Established Member (Voting Rights)

    Mathias Ilka will be in Berlin at the „Platz des 18.März“ at the Brandenburg Gate. But it is not a Millions missing Protest but the protest of „50.000 and one voice for me/cfs“. He for himself will not use the shoes. He is using his logo.

    So if there is no other group yet in Berlin the shoes will be still available.

    I don’t want to take away the discussion. We will see how we could handle everything.

    And if there is more than one action in Germany it is also no the worst thing :).

    As I am on both platforms I can try to keep things connected. And may be it turns out that their are people on fb who want to do an action in Tübingen, I could refer them to you ...
    Inara likes this.
  20. Joh

    Joh Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I referred to my post from yesterday that the DG is going to talk to the person who'd like to organize Millions Missing in Berlin. I guess if that works out all the materials (shoes etc.) are going to be used. Just wrote that to be nice, so that the shoes are not going to be involved in the planning, if they're not available. Don't think it's really possible to plan together on different platforms with you as only person delivering messages. But it would be awesome if there are several events.

    PS: Nobody decided on Tübingen yet.

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