Paywalled, unfortunately, the little snippet we get access to is interesting. Not that often we see senior physicians going public with their ME and additionally this one worked in Aarhus, infamous for also housing Fink https://dagensmedicin-dk.translate....uto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en-US&_x_tr_pto=wapp
Kan bli lättare för personer med kronisk trötthet att få sjukpenning (This problem started long before 2014, though. I know of many cases from 2008 onwards.)
This is one way this could work. So far systemic denial has "worked" because it justified denying most forms of support, especially financial, which hid most of the costs. If it starts costing too much money that actually gets counted, well, there's only one way out of paying indefinitely: get to work and solve this, it's obviously treatable anyway. Maybe mixed with too much impact on the workforce, but it's all indirect and easy to ignore. But direct spending is counted and it can always be pointed out that they've always held the key to solving this. If they hadn't bet everything on the magical unicorn stuff, it likely would have been solved already. This cannot be said enough: all those costs are self-inflicted as a result of having refused to do the work.
Good point. Letting peME suffer costs nothing, but adequately supporting them is expensive. In America, the average person with multiple sclerosis incurs far more costs than the average person with ME, because there are drugs for MS, but they're very expensive.
Major knowledge gaps about exhaustion disorder (paper here:
Article today from TV2 about 36 year old Heidi Andresen who suffers from ME. For the last 13 years her ME has been quite stable, and she's been able to work part time and have a bit of social life as well. Then she deteriorated after the third dose of covid-19 vaccination. TV2 say they've been in contact with several ME patients who deteriorated after 2nd and 3rd dose of vaccine. The Norwegian Medicines Agency says there's no reason to believe that ME patients are experiencing other side effects than other people. Professor Nina Langeland says the benefits of the vaccine are larger than the risk of not taking it. She says that the ME symptom fatigue also is one of the most common side effect of Covid. She also says health care workers should be honest about there being side effects of vaccines, even though they are rare. Heidi's GP believes there is a connection between the vaccine and her deterioration. The doctor who is anonymous says: - Many ME patients experience deterioration in symptoms after a virus infection. I believe this type of patients have a sensitive immune system, which can make them react stronger to a vaccine than what is to be expected. TV2: Blei sjukare etter vaksine: - Me vil berre bli tatt på alvor google translation: Became sicker after vaccination: - I just want to be taken seriously
Great shame there is no systematic recording of people with ME’s response to the Covid vaccine. Anecdotal reports like this are important, so well done to this paper for being up front about this. It has long been reported that some of us respond badly to vaccines but also possibly some even respond positively. For people with ME and presumably those with Long Covid that presents like ME, if they are to make informed choices about vaccinations we really need at least some idea of the percentage risks. If we are as seem likely seeing higher rates of adverse reactions in people with ME wouldn’t also it make sense to try to find out what are the differences between those that respond badly and those that do not. This may help identify those that should consider avoiding vaccination despite the risk that involves.
The Swedish Society of Medicine (Svenska Läkaresällskapet) is arranging their very first symposium on long covid rehab today, with both national and international experts. Doctor and activist Lisa Norén is representing the Swedish Covid Association at the symposium. She tweeted: Read more on Norén's Twitter: The Swedish Society of Medicine is "the independent scientific and professional organisation for Swedish doctors, medical students, and allied healthcare professionals."
Läkartidningen/the Journal of the Swedish Medical Association is again organising a webinar for medical professionals on burnout, ME and long covid. (Has been running yearly since 2018, if I remember correctly?) Stressrelaterat utmattningssyndrom, ME/CFS och postcovid Fredag 17 februari 2023, klockan 13:00 Webbseminarium via Zoom
Two articles in the Swedish newspaper DN today, commenting on companies selling expensive gut microbiome self-tests and advice that lack scientific evidence. ME is mentioned. Dyra tester och tveksamma råd: Så tjänar företagen pengar på tarmflora Företaget: “Det är möjligt att vi var lite naiva i början”
Some posts have been moved to a new thread: Sweden: termination of the contract for specialist medical care for ME in Stockholm, including the Bragée ME Center, 2023
Johanna har skrivit en bok om ME – "Vården greppar inte vad ME är"
The regional council assembly (regionfullmäktige) in Region Örebro, Sweden, recently rejected a motion to develop the region's compentency regarding ME. The minutes of the meeting: Video recording of the debate: Why they rejected the motion:
That's some galaxy brain logic here. "Let's develop skills and experience on this issue" "No, we can't, we don't have skills or experience on this issue" Shmart stuff. Truly the work of geniuses at being experts and stuff. Just say you don't want to and can't be bothered to care. We all know this is what you mean, that you can't recognize your own failures and would rather keep on failing, harming people, than admitting to it and having to change.
Hanne Kjöller (Swedish bps extremist, nurse, columnist) comments on a tv programme about the brain. Vi älskar att prata om vad som gör oss sjuka – det gör oss inte friskare Very frustrating and sad that a serious paper like DN keeps publishing this kind of ignorant, dismissive bs...