Some (potentially) good news from Denmark (google translated) B.T. (27/10/23) Parents of a seriously ill daughter rejoice: Now the minister will finally look at the controversial disease B.T. (2/11/23) Millions on the way to controversial disease: 'It's a big breakthrough, but we can't relax yet'
ME-sjuka: Vårdapparaten tar inte oss på allvar Here's a ink to Dagens ETC's Facebook post.
Opinion piece by a doctor at Bragée ME Center. ”Våra patienter förtvivlar när regionen överger dem” Google Translate, English
I forgot to add that Sven Britton, who wrote the opinion piece, is on the scientific advisory board for RME (the Swedish ME Association).
"Mistrust of functional diseases like ME" Functional? In the sense of FND or does the original word mean something different?
@MittEremltage has written a good critique of Dr. Britton's strange opinion piece. Förvirrande och skadligt om ME i DN google translation: Confusing and harmful about ME in DN quote: It is super important to highlight the consequences of the fact that care for ME is so undersized that it barely exists and that doctors and researchers take the patients' side in this. But the fact that a doctor at the country's now only regional specialist clinic dedicated to ME - and also a member of the patient association's scientific council - categorizes the disease as functional is frightening. Texts like Britton's unfortunately risk leaving open the door for those who call ME functional and believe that it is just a bunch of faulty thought patterns that can be changed with cbt and gradually increased activity.
Editorial in a local paper: Tiotusentals svenskar drabbas av osynlig epidemi
In one of Finland's biggest newspapers/news websites: Edellisenä päivänä Nikoa, 32, huimasi työpaikalla – Seuraava olikin viimeinen: ”99,9 prosenttisesti vuodepotilaaksi” Google Translate, English
Postcovidmottagning i Huddinge ska utreda fler sjukdomar
Seems to be a lot of this going on, doesn't there? Introduction of post-infectious or infection-associated diseases and bringing in different specialties to research it.
The European Patients’ Academy on Therapeutic Innovation (EUPATI) is offering several free online courses One of them is available in Swedish: Gå vår utbildning och lär dig mer om läkemedel och medicinteknik I think this is the same course in English? Introduction to Medicines R&D In this introductory module, you will acquire the basic skills and knowledge about medicines research and discovery process and find different ways about how patients can be involved.
Upcoming Finnish webinar January 24 2024 on long covid, ME/CFS and hypermobility. Organised by Suomen Psykofyysisen Fysioterapian Yhdistys. Via Suomen lääketieteellinen ME/CFS-yhdistys ry on Facebook. Long COVID, ME/CFS ja hypermobiliteetti: Expanding Your Toolbox -webinaarit Google Translate, English
ME-sjuka Jennie var sängliggande dygnet runt: "Jag åt mig frisk på bara kött" Google Translate, English
Video (3 + 4 + 0,5 minutes; in Swedish) + written news article: Ameliekliniken i Solna massmedicinerar långtidssjuka: ”Livsfarligt” Google Translate, English ETA: In the video interview Axelsson says that the diagnosis ME/CFS is the problem and calls ME/CFS a "rubbish bin diagnosis" for all kinds of fatigue and tiredness. The reporter asks what he thinks patients feel about his statement. He replies that he believes that patients agree, and that patients obviously don't want a diagnosis that leads nowhere, they want a diagnosis that has potential treatments and access to health care.
Video (2 minutes, in Swedish) + written news article. Hatiska reaktioner på Facebook under SVT:s granskning av Ameliekliniken Google Translate, English
Video (4 minutes, in Swedish) + written news article. Kritiserade läkaren på Ameliekliniken: ”Ute efter en ny Macchiarini” Google Translate, English
Article about healthcare inequality by Agnes Arpi. ME is mentioned. Vård på olika villkor Google Translate, English
Video (1 min, in Swedish) + written news article. Läkaren Artur Fedorowski användes i Amelieklinikens forskning – utan hans vetskap Google Translate, English