The Chrysalis Effect

Discussion in 'Psychosomatic theories and treatments discussions' started by Sly Saint, Dec 17, 2021.

  1. chrisb

    chrisb Senior Member (Voting Rights)

  2. Tia

    Tia Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    :sick: Patricia Worby is really keen to make the point that 'everyone has trauma' but the whole point of the ACEs criteria is that NOT EVERYONE has had ACEs.
    Arisoned and Lou B Lou like this.
  3. Tia

    Tia Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    £130 per hour!

    I also note via twitter she's moved into the bitcoin tutorials market too.
    Lou B Lou, TiredSam, shak8 and 2 others like this.
  4. Tia

    Tia Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    A bit of Linkedin networking from Chrysalis Effect founder Elaine Wilkins:

    She says, "we have broken through and have extended phase 2 pilots running in Cheshire and Wirral, the West Midlands it’s Integrated Care Sevice at its best with fantastic outcomes for patients!"

    What does this mean I wonder?
  5. Tia

    Tia Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I just read this thread on twitter about the chrysalis effect:

    There's a tweet that I think is very accurate that says: "Elaine Wilkinson has a background in MLM and business coaching. She talks big and courts people, then she bigs up the meeting, and her achievements and influence. Chrysalis is a just commercial coaching company."

    So perhaps she's just talking up 'phase 2 trials' and there's nothing to worry about.
    bobbler, Arisoned, Hutan and 7 others like this.
  6. Lou B Lou

    Lou B Lou Senior Member (Voting Rights)


    Elaine Wilkinson does big up her various activities, any meetings with health professionals, her influence. But she still claims that "NHS pilots" of Chrysalis are taking place. Wilkinson does not answer questions in a straightforward way so it's hard to extract actual facts from her. And as always, there are HCPs who fall for such 'recovery' claims, and are naïve or already on board with mind/body ideology and not savvy to how the commercial coaching world operates the hard sell.

    So Wilkinson's claims may be all puffed up, are all puffed up, but we still can't be assured she is not influencing any NHS HPCs. She has been making the same claims about influencing doctors/GPs/NHS HCPs for years, but we shouldn't just ignore any influence she may be having.
    Hutan, bobbler, EzzieD and 7 others like this.
  7. rvallee

    rvallee Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    The race to the bottom is only sure of one thing, where it ends: down. This is a natural outcome and it will only get worse as standards are lowered further to avoid accountability. It's pretty clear that nothing is too high on the quack index to cause embarrassment.

    Most of this was going to happen anyway, but what a timing that the ramping up phase of medical pseudoscience everywhere is happening at the same time as the very thing it was invented to deny and erase from existence is also massively ramping up.
    shak8, Sean, alktipping and 1 other person like this.
  8. Lou B Lou

    Lou B Lou Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Whether or not Elaine Wilkinson is actually doing NHS pilot trials, and there may be pilots, she is still conning pwme out of £27 a month by claiming that people recover from ME with her program. She has been at it for over a decade, so not a new sc*m.
    bobbler, EzzieD, chrisb and 5 others like this.
  9. Lou B Lou

    Lou B Lou Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Elaine Wilkins' Chrysalis Effect getting in on Long Covid, referring to "traumatised fatigued clients in the wake of Long Covid" and advising Holistic Therapists on 'which therapy to avoid or recommend for recovery?'.

    The Federation of Holistic Therapists (FHT) Professional Development Conference 2022

    LIVE: How Do You Work with Complexity of Chronic Fatigue? Practitioner Protocols for Chronic Fatigue and Long Covid Elaine Wilkins from The Chrysalis Effect

    10.00 - Thursday 14 July

    We now have an epidemic of traumatised fatigued clients in the wake of Covid 19. This seminar will equip you to confidently recognise:

    • The Cross overs with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Long Covid
    • Specific questions to ask
    • The 6 phase road map of recovery
    • What you won't see but need to know
    • Which therapy to avoid or recommend for recovery?

    Elaine is an FHT Excellence Tutor of the year winner and pioneering founder of The Chrysalis Effect delivering the first bio-psycho-social online supported recovery pathway with NHS partners and private sector for patients suffering with ME, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia and subtypes of Long Covid PVF. Elaine's passion is training and empowering therapists to work confidently with CFS/ fibromyalgia clients.
  10. rvallee

    rvallee Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    It's absurd that it doesn't seem to bother anyone how this fits in perfectly with the Goop crowd with healing crystals and whatever, that the BPS model is clearly and unambiguously alternative medicine.

    The death of expertise, at the hands of experts, funded with public money. Good grief.
  11. Sean

    Sean Moderator Staff Member


    One of those words that is a big red warning flag about the woo to follow.
  12. shak8

    shak8 Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Copyediting problem or maybe it's the Chrysalis copy editing effect:

    M.E. is how E.l.a.i.n.e. punctuates it.
  13. Sly Saint

    Sly Saint Senior Member (Voting Rights)

  14. rvallee

    rvallee Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I guess that by having the healthcare system send them clients they don't need to advertise and as we sadly know, BS claims without evidence are A-OK in medicine, or at least some are, immune from that ruling.
    Peter Trewhitt, RedFox and alktipping like this.
  15. rvallee

    rvallee Senior Member (Voting Rights)


    The creep of pseudoscience into medicine is a massively unreported scandal. Peak post-Truth era stuff.
  16. Lou B Lou

    Lou B Lou Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Chrysalis Effect sales person Elaine Wilkins is asserting that Secondary Gain is real, manipulatively stating that "some people don't want to get better". She uses the ideology of 'secondary gain' to goad sick people into 'trying something new' to recover, ie Chrysalis effect.

    This Chrysalis Effect hard sell is manipulative in the extreme, pushes the debunked ideology of 'secondary gain', says we use fear of losing state benefits as an excuse for 'not trying something new' to recover, and pretty much psychopathologises the sick people. Chrysalis Effect is also called 'Get your Life Back from ME' so we know which sick people she is targeting. This is pure BPS ideology.

    From latest Chrysalis Summer Newsletter:

    Elaine Wilkins '..I met lots of people in support groups who had become a victim of these horrible symptoms. Many sat waiting for a medical miracle cure, they resisted trying anything due to being sceptical, somewhere convinced recovery was for the lucky few [even disbelieving that they had actually been ill] others relied totally on a cocktail of drugs for sleeping, pain and to numb feelings. I heard people make loads of excuses why they couldn't try something or even worse completely believed that they didn't have time to do anything to recover? The most common was letting fear of losing state benefits control their life and limit their future.'

    Elaine Wilkins '..I was naive then, so I was absolutely shocked that anyone would choose illness over wellness?! But here's what I have learned. Secondary Gain is real. Not everyone wants to get better. Illness can serve a purpose on a sub-conscious level, illness can get us attention, it can mean people are kinder to us, it can get us out of doing things we lack the courage to do or refuse doing. It can be the way we avoid facing up to the bad relationships, the financial mess, and the high pressure lifestyle. the list goes on. I had some secondary gain, I just hadn't realised it.'

    Elaine Wilkins is suggesting that sick people get loans from their families to pay for therapies (ie Chrysalis Effect), she says:
    "I asked for financial help from family which I repaid when I recovered".

    Chrysalis must absolutely not be brought into the NHS. Wilkins is teaching HCPs and private alternative therapists the worst extremes of BPS ideology, goading the patients to do Chrysalis, telling professionals and patients alike that we get attention and kindness from being ill, and that we use illness to get out of doing things we don't want to do. And that we don't want to "try something new" to recover (ie Chrysalis) for fear of losing state benefits.

    The latest Chrysalis 'explanation' for ME is childhood trauma causation.
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2023
    Ash, MEMarge, Hutan and 6 others like this.
  17. bobbler

    bobbler Senior Member (Voting Rights)


    From what I remember Elain Wilkins (and if I remember there was another woman was there too when this first started - ah yes, that is here earlier in the thread) the background of this is more the 'classic snake oil salesman model' where she/they came into it not from a background of even medicine or HCP but just seeing the opportunity. ie it wasn't that they had a treatment or skills to offer, just a market they wanted to service and the 'that'll do as something to sell' came later.

    I don't think she is even selling to patients, she's goading their employers and family/friends, those around them. Speaking to the worst tendencies of bigotry. How can this be allowed to be published anywhere, whether you've got a 'product' to offer or not? It is basically if she is selling to the NHS going into meetings selling nasty tropes and asking people to put up their hands if they agree with that and to sponsor them if so? and the 'get better' is more like 'deal with' so really is insidious bigotry and no intention of doing anything other than harm or 'real help' comes through from this.

    THis latest stuff that you've bolded is just showing a nasty creep into poisonous, harmful populist ideology in order to basically isolate some of the illest and most vulnerable from their supporters in order to force them into accepting harmful ... do we even call it treatment when it is a cosmetics saleswoman's pyramid scheme coaching made up based on nothing? (and does she care?)

    I do think people should be banned from pretending to use those terms where there intention clearly cannot be demonstrated to be anything good at all - it is clear here she is just 'all about telling people they are nasty so and sos wanting secondary gain' - and I smart at that from someone with her background. What a dirty dirty situation, who'd want someone who can utter such two-faced and unkind, untrue tropes anywere near their loved ones?

    This is why psychology needs to be firmly regulated with only those who have studied the science and who are checked on being anywhere near being allowed to say anything like this, as far as I can see it is 'man off street troping others' and where she got the gall to say such insults as if she knows anything, nevermind try and 'train' people who actually are ill rather than just claiming they had something in order to sell a course - well why on earth would she be surprised noone would want to listen to her? Where on earth would you get the delusion to do something like that?

    Why on earth should someone ever be sat in front of an unkind troper saying harmful and wrongful accusations at them and for our regulatory system to not outlaw that as 'harm'? I mean it is isn't it? Swap in any other illness and accuse people in wheelchairs of all these things and it is obviously gross and horrific bigotry noone should have by accident nevermind in an organised and directed at them fashion. It isn't treatment it is worse than 'conversion courses' surely in what it would do to a person - and you don't need research to prove that it is just plain common sense when you look at the old 60s psych research you wouldn't ethically be allowed to do these days. And that is before you think about the idea she expects to be paid for doing this to people.

    And I say populist because this is all about capitalising on the anti-disability sentiment that lockdown managed to produce and the latest newspaper stuff about 'geting people back to work'. How someone can't with this level of bare-facedness be called out for being harmful and it being propaganda against disabled people and effectively incitement and slander I do not know here.

    What I find stunning is the fact that making your money out of dodgy sc*ms isn't seen anymore clearly as low in the same way being disabled is, even if it is looking to take money out of public funds which it would be if seeking contracts through e.g. NHS.

    It does say a lot about how we are treated by the sector that such individuals have chosen this condition - because we aren't afforded the basic common sense protections from things that surely for other conditions people would be railing against.
  18. NelliePledge

    NelliePledge Moderator Staff Member

    UK West Midlands
    Probably needs ME Association or the ME charities group [??] to take this up with NHS organisations.
    Ash, MEMarge, Hutan and 6 others like this.
  19. JemPD

    JemPD Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    yes @NelliePledge I think its Forwars ME you mean?

    Its profoundly offensive. All i seem to say on this site recently is that 'i cried'. But i did. It just upsets me so much that these people are representing my (our) hard fought & lost battles, my robbed life that i fought so hard to keep, as things i have chosen.
    when she talks about being a ''bloody minded rebellious teenager', refusing to join the victimhood & be sick & disabled, so doing the work to get better'.

    Doesnt she think i spent 15yrs acting like that, thinking like that, behaving like that & making myself worse all the time because of it. What attitude does she think most of us took in the first yrs of our illness, it makes me very angry to have it implied that its a secondary gain. There isnt a single sodding thing that I'm "secretly glad i dont have to do because of my illness" as she puts it. I'd be thrilled now to do even the things i found really onerous/challenging when i was well.

    And it is just ignorance to think that anyone wants to 'keep their benefits' benefits are a below-the-poverty-line pittance, that are incredibly distressing and hellish to have to claim. So sane person would ever wanted to hang on to that instead of getting well!

    Judgey, Othering. I know i shouldnt let it upset me, but it hurts because i know she is preaching to large congregation who already think that, she is just confirming their predjudices.

    EzzieD, MEMarge, Hutan and 16 others like this.
  20. Trish

    Trish Moderator Staff Member

    Very well said, @JemPD. It's deeply offensive and ignorant.
    EzzieD, bobbler, MEMarge and 12 others like this.

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