United Kingdom: Kings College London; South London and Maudsley NHS Trust

Discussion in 'UK clinics and doctors' started by Sly Saint, Apr 6, 2020.

  1. Sly Saint

    Sly Saint Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    whatever they say they will still get referrals for CFS patients:

  2. Shadrach Loom

    Shadrach Loom Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    London, UK
    “Recommend avoidance of excessive rest” is really quite staggeringly bad advice. It stands out, even amongst all the other wilful stupidity.
  3. JemPD

    JemPD Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    :laugh:lol an explanation would be utterly priceless!

    but considering we dont know, NO ONE KNOWS, it is the epitome of hubris/religious level belief, to think you can explain it.
    MEMarge, RedFox, Lou B Lou and 9 others like this.
  4. rvallee

    rvallee Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    The note about there being no current evidence for dietary changes and immune/allergy manipulation is really something in itself considering that dietary changes and antihistamines are basically two of the only common things that actuall help some people.

    It sure is true that there is no formal evidence, because EBM is simply awful at this stuff. But it actually meets an even higher standard than their own evidence: it IS of actual help to some. Far more than anything they do. We don't know why but it could tell us many things if only there were an actual expert profession that is able to do this basic work.

    It's hard to put in proper context just how completely uniquely bad this is, how not a single other profession does anything this awful even about trivial problems. This is an extreme form of incompetence.
  5. Sean

    Sean Moderator Staff Member

    The Great Re-Labelling Scam continues on unabated. :grumpy:
    Arnie Pye, Sid, alktipping and 7 others like this.
  6. adambeyoncelowe

    adambeyoncelowe Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I mean, we knew they'd do this. But it's still a galling display of "piss-taking", as my late Nana would say.

    Ideologues digging their heels in, despite best practice leaving them behind.

    Still, anyone treated by them might be in for a huge windfall if they can organise class action against the clinics.
    Arnie Pye, Sean, alktipping and 9 others like this.
  7. Solstice

    Solstice Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    It's why patients of all varieties should band together and just attack the bad practices used together. We've been fighting from our little niche corner and have managed to get some points across but seeing how pervasive this is in medicine and how many groups are affected there really should be a concerted effort to get rid of the problem root and stem. That would be some undertaking though...
    MEMarge, Amw66, Sean and 4 others like this.
  8. bobbler

    bobbler Senior Member (Voting Rights)


    In fact, because I think that being 'on top of' the money flow/way it all works is important I'm going to reiterate that last question to see if anyone happens to have been in a situation where they either know the answer or could point to info that informs a good estimate:

    Is someone merely being signed up to, or just doing 1 session (and never returning), enough to trigger the 'full bill for the entire course of CBT, GET etc' with these clinics? At what point/what criteria is that money/funding released?

    Do any of these places charge/bill/count work done 'by the session (rather than full course of sessions or number of patients however many sessions or appts they have)'?

    More context/thoughts:
    I think this would be an interesting FOI or project to see how they all work - and if there are different protocols/process by either geographic area or type of clinic (BPS vs on-BPS but also lots are private providers etc).

    BUT I also gather this could be 'muddied' by the way that contracts work meaning that it is hidden in reporting or caveats - e.g. funding is based on 'how many pass thru' and we are then looking at a question of how many sessions/what someone has to do in order to 'be counted' on this list.

    I can well imagine how undesirable it might be to change to something actually 'in demand' if you were running a service where the ave number of sessions actually done by patients was a mere fraction of the number you were funded for.

    I'm concerned that rather than mapping out the basics, bare minimum of what PwME would actually need from a 'service' - although really the 'system' (context) needs to be mapped for this, because it depends on what GPs or employers or benefits or hospitals and other things are still doing or not changing as to whether a lot of this is basically 'protection from or instruction to, or back-up in' not even for medical care but safety and basics rights to what others take for granted as these.

    Claims of funding would be an issue is one of the things cited for 'new clinics' but really this stuff is really basic - and changing eg. OT help from a focus on motivation to MEA/ForwardME for example pushing for issues related to rest like sorting noise issues, bed issues, adjustment issues so people aren't pushed into the over-threshold zone etc.

    EDIT: it would be good to know precisely what is actually funded/how the system works currently to see the context of what those limitations are re: funding etc.
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2022
    Amw66, alktipping and Peter Trewhitt like this.
  9. Amw66

    Amw66 Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Given the outsourcing within NHS , this is an important aspect. Vitality 360 and others may provide such services .

    Then there's the new " app" era dawning.
    Does a download count as treatment?
    MEMarge, alktipping, bobbler and 2 others like this.
  10. Sly Saint

    Sly Saint Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    still on their website (although from 2014), without any warnings.

    CBT for chronic fatigue syndrome
    MEMarge, RedFox, Wits_End and 3 others like this.
  11. Trish

    Trish Moderator Staff Member

    And I bet they still believe every word of this and will refuse to remove it.
    RedFox, Wits_End, bobbler and 6 others like this.
  12. Sly Saint

    Sly Saint Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    podcast from 2019
    CBT for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
    Let's Talk About CBT · 2019-11-19

    RedFox, Peter Trewhitt and Sean like this.
  13. Sly Saint

    Sly Saint Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    TC "Obviously it’s not a cure for everybody. And people are often still left with some symptoms. But a lot of people do improve. And there are, as I say, lots of randomised control trials demonstrating its efficacy."
    note 'Bens story' is also the only one featured on BABCPs personal accounts of CBT for chronic fatigue syndrome
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2023
  14. Trish

    Trish Moderator Staff Member

    It's hard to comment without saying anything too personal about Ben's story. I wish him well and all that, BUT.

    The claim that no patients have been made worse is a big red flag. So maybe when they find patients hit the wall of their activity limits, they discharge them, or they just don't go back to the clinic so the therapists never know. Or maybe they set their starting point for increasing activity so much lower than their current activity levels that increase is possible, and they discharge them before they hit their limit, and claim improvement. Or maybe they get a lot of patients with primarily depression or burn out who don't have PEM. Who knows.

    That's not what the results showed.

    The trouble with stories like this is that they sound so plausible. Even after all the years I've had ME, I catch myself thinking - maybe I could do that - maybe if I just add a short walk every day I'll improve too... Oh, I so wish it were so easy.
    MEMarge, RedFox, Wits_End and 15 others like this.
  15. Simbindi

    Simbindi Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Somerset, England
    She gives away her be1ief that a11 'CFS' patients have a behavioura1 condition in her words here. You wou1dn't say that about MS (for examp1e), that at 'one end of the spectrum' peop1e are managing their MS we11 in contrast to those who are in a whee1chair. or house/bedbound. Rather you wou1d say some MS patients are 1ess severe1y affected and hence ab1e to 1ive a reasonab1y norma1 1ife, whereas other MS patients might be very severe1y affected by their condition.

    She's obvious1y not saying peop1e with mi1d 'CFS' have avoided becoming more severe by 1imiting their activity and avoiding triggering PEM, as she goes on to ta1k about increasing activity (the usua1 tripe she spouts). Whatever she's ta1king about, it's not ME/CFS with the ha11mark PEM as we understand it (and now recognised by NICE).
    MEMarge, Wits_End, Lou B Lou and 9 others like this.
  16. bobbler

    bobbler Senior Member (Voting Rights)


    This may be a repeat but basically for university fees there is a Dec deadline after a student enrols end set/early oct by which if they are still enrolled the whole fee is due ie the whole year's fees have been triggered.

    I’m sort of angling at things like this which would certainly inform any data eg of all patients ended up doing ‘2months’ no matter how many sessions it if just one session released the whole amount of funding for up to 30 to Kings etc
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2023
  17. Sly Saint

    Sly Saint Senior Member (Voting Rights)

  18. Sly Saint

    Sly Saint Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    job ad
    Psychology Research Assistant
  19. Amw66

    Amw66 Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Posts moved from UK news

    Disturbing thread on X
    Tagging @PhysiosforME , ( Dr Michelle Bull) has been querying details but needs wider charity awareness @Russell Fleming


    I'm finding it difficult to put into words just how angry I am to have sat through such an appalling session on the so-called management of #MECFS at a conference delivered by @kingshealth this week to approx. 200 attendees. 1/6

    Perhaps now that I understand more about the opinions of the team delivering the session, I should be unsurprised that there was no reference whatsoever to the NICE guidance or #PEM, and to have been advised to encourage #GradedExerciseTherapy 2/6

    Nonetheless, I am in a state of disbelief to have been advised to "break the association between symptoms and stopping activity", "address reassurance seeking and unhelpful behaviours" and "make links between symptoms and behaviour" 3/6

    Apparently, predictors of poor outcome include "being in receipt of invalidity benefits" and "belonging to a self-help organisation". Shocking examples of #patientblaming and #ableism 4/6

    Often, no response is a powerful response. But not in this case. While unable to control the actions of others, we can choose how to respond to them, and as pointed out to me today, to not challenge something like this can be as good as accepting it @sunsopeningband 5/6

    We are lucky that organisations including @LongCOVIDPhysio @MEAssociation @PhysiosforME @WAMESMECFS work hard to advocate for #pwME and #pwLC and educate HCPs on safe rehabilitation. We must continue to challenge unsafe and harmful practice. #StopRestPace 6/6

    In replies
    It was actually an FND conference, I didn't even notice there was a talk about ME/CFS. If I'd done my research first I might have known what to expect

    ETA corrected last paragraph as double posted thread 6/6 previously
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 28, 2024
    Woolie, Dolphin, MEMarge and 11 others like this.
  20. Sean

    Sean Moderator Staff Member

    The psychosomatic grift will always be with us. It is too unfalsifiable, easy, convenient, and lucrative to ever be finally buried for once and all.

    Evidence, reason, ethics, and patients' lives will be endlessly sacrificed at its altar.
    Ash, Arnie Pye, alktipping and 11 others like this.

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