USA: JAX ME/CFS Center and Derya Unutmaz news

Discussion in 'News from organisations' started by Andy, Nov 15, 2017.

  1. forestglip

    forestglip Senior Member (Voting Rights)


    "This is my first attempt at sharing two project ideas and a basic action plan for #MECFS that I have been developing using OpenAI’s o1 models. After several rounds of brainstorming and fine-tuning, I used GPT-4o or o1-mini to validate and expand the projects (since I am very limited in revalidating each project with o1-preview). I then reviewed the projects to assess their originality and made some edits based on my knowledge or further queries to clarify or change certain aspects. This review wasn’t extensive for these tests, so please don’t expect fully fleshed-out or polished project outlines!"


    "Project 1: Analysis: Metabolism - Targeting Methylation Pathways and One-Carbon Metabolism in ME/CFS

    Project Summary in Layman’s Terms:
    The project focuses on a condition called Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS), which leaves people feeling constantly exhausted and unable to perform everyday activities. Scientists believe that some of this might be because of problems with metabolism—the way the body turns food into energy—and how the body controls certain DNA processes, known as methylation.

    The idea behind the project is to explore whether changes in the body’s metabolism and methylation processes are at the heart of ME/CFS. By studying these processes and then testing if adding specific nutrients or supplements can fix them, the project hopes to relieve some of the symptoms of this disease.

    Sections in Simple Terms:
    1. Novelty and Significance Assessment:
    • Novelty (What’s New):
    This project combines two areas of study—metabolism and how our genes are controlled (epigenetics)—in a way that hasn’t been done much before for ME/CFS. While both areas have been looked at separately, this project will look at how they might work together to cause or worsen the symptoms.

    • Significance (Why It Matters):
    ME/CFS is a challenging condition with few treatments that really help. If we can figure out how to fix the metabolic and DNA control problems, we might help people feel better and have more energy."


    "Project 2: Targeting Trained Immunity in Innate Immune Cells for ME/CFS

    In Layman's term explanation of the full project:
    1. Novelty and Significance
    Novelty: The project focuses on something called “trained immunity,” which is like teaching the body’s first line of defense (innate immune cells like monocytes and macrophages) to respond better or differently after they’ve been exposed to harmful stimuli (such as infections). While trained immunity has been studied in other diseases, applying it to Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) is quite new and hasn’t been looked at much before. The idea is that these immune cells could be playing a big role in keeping inflammation going in ME/CFS.
    Significance: ME/CFS is a condition that causes extreme fatigue, among other symptoms, but we don’t fully understand why it happens. Chronic low-grade inflammation seems to be a key feature, and if we can figure out what’s causing this inflammation, we could develop new treatments. This project could uncover why inflammation happens in ME/CFS and point to new ways to treat it."

    (Much more detail in the tweet.)
    EzzieD, Braganca and Trish like this.
  2. SNT Gatchaman

    SNT Gatchaman Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Aotearoa New Zealand
    forestglip, EzzieD, Sasha and 2 others like this.

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