Appointees will not be surprising! I sent my email using ME Action tool so assume a generic reply going to all. They can ignore us...
Yesterday I sent an email to Dr. Landa who had previously written to David Tuller about the 4th Columbia Psychosomatics Conference (link to...
Here is a copy of my first draft. Feel free to be as critical as you wish: I really do not get upset! I take it as a compliment that you are...
Professor Edwards' Letter to MRC's Fiona Watt Professor Edwards signed the open letter to The Lancet. He originally wrote his own letter to...
Published this morning: CHRONIC FATIGUE Sir, Further to your report “Call for review of ‘flawed’ ME research”(Aug 21), as funders of the Pace...
Short article in online version of The Times today reporting on the letter to the Lancet. Written by Tom Whipple- that the Lancet declined to comment.
The BPS Brigades Score Another Own Goal Not long ago, Sir Simon scored an own goal by enticing a childhood buddy to enter the PACE debate. That...
Malcolm Hooper: Letter from Professor Hooper to Bridget Phillipson MP 16th July...
The NIH responds to #MEAction, nexts steps Following the global day of action on May 12, 2018, #MEAction gathered photos and petition signatures...
[Apologies if this has been posted before] [MEDIA] Dear Paediatrician, We are parents of children with ME. We are writing to as many...
My Letter to MP Monaghan About BMJ Studies This morning, I sent an e-mail about BMJ to Scottish National Party MP Carol Monaghan. MP Monaghan, a...
Pleased to report that The Times has published my letter about the lack of investment in biomedical ME research:...
Forward ME Letter to The Times: Patients with ME/CFS ‘are not simply “deconditioned” as claimed by many psychiatrists’ | 23 March 2018...
A coalition of parents and other carers to children and adolescents with ME has written a letter to the Norwegian Directorate of Health about the...
Trial By Error: A Letter to BMJ Open 19 February 2018 By David Tuller, DrPH
My letter. The only edit (besides removal of personal info) is the KP web link I included in my email went stale, so I updated it below: Sent:...
In short they are asking for GET and CBT to be removed as treatments before the review concludes in 2020. Core of first letter By removing the...
I just came upon this, and thought it was pretty funny how badly it has aged. The first two sentences are hilarious imo: the "obvious paradox" and...
I did not put this on public record when I sent it a year ago. I have had no reply or even an acknowledgement. I sent it by snail mail marked...
I submitted a letter to The Lancet in response to the GETSET publication back in July. @Tom Kindlon provided invaluable support. I heard today it...
Separate names with a comma.