What Works in Mindfulness Interventions for Medically Unexplained Symptoms? A Systematic Review Billones, Saligan Note: Dr Saligan is involved in...
RC Psych (Royal College of Psychiatrists) Chronic fatigue syndrome: helping your child to get better (note: Disclaimer This is information, not...
Yeah, I'm not going to worry about the profession getting justice.. This article explores the making and management of anomaly in scientific work,...
London School of Paediatrics - HEE NHS UK [MEDIA] (I skipped the case examples) youtube generated transcript: pt1 think about what is mus or...
Dutch researchers involved, what could possibly go wrong.... Medically Not Yet Explained Symptoms represent up to 10-30% of presentations in...
I just stumbled on a conversation on LinkedIn with professor in psychosomatic medicine Judith Rosmalen where she states that MUS is more common in...
David Tuller: Trio of Trials Shows Limits of CBT for Medically Unexplained Symptoms Lancet Psychiatry recently published the results of a...
A lot of this is about medically unexplained symptoms. I haven't read it and don't think I will but perhaps there's somebody, perhaps from a...
Webcast Persistent (Medically Unexplained) Physical Symptoms: A Scientist Practitioner Approach Monday 8th June 10.00 – 15.30 Trudie Chalder,...
This is a very interesting write up in the link below and worth taking time to read if able. Medical Unexplained Symptoms (MUS) proponents -...
https://psycnet.apa.org/record/2020-25194-001 Citation Niesten, I. J. M., Merckelbach, H., Dandachi-FitzGerald, B., & Jelicic, M. (2020). The...
https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S030698772030164X Medical Hypotheses Available online 11 April 2020, 109731 In Press,...
This is obviously a terrible time to be crowdfunding. As in previous years, Berkeley had designated April as a month for campus projects to run...
This is another non-coronavirus post–my second in two days. Before we were interrupted, I had been looking more into so-called “medically...
"The Lady's Handbook for Her Mysterious Illness" author on the only recourse for ailing women who are being ignored Until recently, being...
Persistent Physical Symptoms Research and Treatment Unit - Kings College London; South London and Maudsley NHS Trust The Persistent Physical...
Moved from this thread Blog on current state of IAPT infographic from our survey of 650 IAPT workers, looking at what people working in the...
Full title: Coexistence of cerebral hypometabolism and neuroinflammation in the thalamo-limbic-brainstem region in young women with functional...
Embodied: The psychology of physical sensation by Christopher Eccleston Oxford University Press 2015 E-book:...
Full title: Medically explained symptoms: A mixed methods study of diagnostic, symptom and support experiences of patients with lupus and related...
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