3rd Annual Community Symposium on the Molecular Basis of ME/CFS at Stanford University, sponsored by OMF, 7th Sept 2019

Discussion in 'General ME/CFS news' started by Andy, Apr 30, 2019.

  1. Ben H

    Ben H Established Member (Voting Rights)

    I found it fascinating, but I am a tech junkie especially when it has application. I would like to see this in us severes and v. severes whose symptoms do not fluctuate much, if at all.

    Blueskytoo, Skycloud, Hutan and 4 others like this.
  2. Stuart

    Stuart Established Member (Voting Rights)

    Since I can't stream this my best source is the tweet 'transcript,' this is back to square one, which keeps getting reset, and those who speak up get sent into the corner, we'll have to see what happens to Hanson.

    [​IMG] Hillary Johnson‏ @oslersweb 3h3 hours ago

    "It's still conceivable there are small outbreaks--maybe everyone eats at the same restaurant one day, gets sick, but everyone who gets sick goes to a different doctor...but (given its widespread nature) I think a lot of people now have immunity to this virus." Maureen Hanson

    2 replies 3 retweets 14 likes

    [​IMG] Hillary Johnson‏ @oslersweb 3h3 hours ago

    "This is not a genetic disease. It requires an exposure. To this day, we don't know why people are susceptible to polio...it could be bad luck--you get one or two other viruses, you're immune system got messed up, and you get ME." Maureen Hanson

    2 replies 12 retweets 35 likes
    [​IMG] Hillary Johnson‏ @oslersweb 3h3 hours ago

    "I loved Mareen's courageous talk. I loved that she called a spade a spade..." Ron Davis

    0 replies 4 retweets 18 likes

    Hillary Johnson Retweeted
    [​IMG] Hillary Johnson‏ @oslersweb 3h3 hours ago

    "I suspect there is a central cause of the disease, I agree with Maureen....ultimately we want to figure out what that organism is and get rid of it. Many people are trying to sort that out." Ron Davis

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    [​IMG] Hillary Johnson‏ @oslersweb 3h3 hours ago

    Q to Hanson: Foolish virus vs genius virus? Can you speak to role of EBV as genius virus? "most people are having reactivation of EBV, immune system can no longer control it. What if another virus comes along when you have mono? That could result in ME."

    1 reply 5 retweets 11 likes

    Hillary Johnson Retweeted
    [​IMG] Anna Giuseppa‏ @AnneSpaceCoast 3h3 hours ago

    Replying to @oslersweb
    She will need 24 hour security now! She is the 3rd women scientist saying similar. Elaine D and Judy M said "viral" cause and look what happened to them!

    2 replies 6 retweets 18 likes
    [​IMG] Hillary Johnson‏ @oslersweb 3h3 hours ago

    "I suspect there is a central cause of the disease, I agree with Maureen....ultimately we want to figure out what that organism is and get rid of it. Many people are trying to sort that out." Ron Davis

    0 replies 5 retweets 22 likes
    [​IMG] Hillary Johnson‏ @oslersweb 3h3 hours ago

    Maureen Hanson on subsets, a paraphrase: I'm a lumper, not a splitter. When you're hit by a car, you may have multiple injuries, but you were still hit by the same car. There is a fundamental disruption (a virus)

    2 replies 6 retweets 14 likes
    [​IMG] Hillary Johnson‏ @oslersweb 3h3 hours ago

    The desire by scientists to "stratify" patients and break them into subsets is, IMO, a way to enable them to personally understand the disease better but which does little to get to the heart of the infection. amateur hour, in other words

    0 replies 2 retweets 4 likes
    [​IMG] Hillary Johnson‏ @oslersweb 4h4 hours ago

    Polite women don't make history. Thank god Maureen Hanson had the courage to tell the truth about ME. The field must change immediately, If your research isn't about finding the infection, it's just peripheral and more of the same. Find the genius virus

    0 replies 4 retweets 21 likes
    [​IMG] Hillary Johnson‏ @oslersweb 5h5 hours ago

    Read between the lines of Maureen Hanson's keynote speech: tragedy began in the 1980s when formerly obscure disease exploded. Male MDs + scientists, dismiss as hysteria. No $ for research for decades. Disease spreads until it's endemic and here to stay. NIH still doesn't get it

    0 replies 12 retweets 25 likes
    [​IMG] Hillary Johnson‏ @oslersweb 5h5 hours ago

    correction: 1980s!

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    [​IMG] Hillary Johnson‏ @oslersweb 5h5 hours ago

    Mark the day when the truth was finally told by the top scientist in this field: September 7, 2019. Maureen Hanson provides the history and evidence that ME is an infectious disease, caused by a virus, that was allowed to become endemic since the "surge" of disease in 1990s

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    [​IMG] Hillary Johnson‏ @oslersweb 5h5 hours ago

    "We know we're dealing with a genius virus" Maureen Hanson. Finally--a scientist with the guts to state a long obvious fact that ME is caused by a virus, a "genius" virus compared to HIV, Zika, polio; a virus clever enough to hide its damage to victims, masking reality of ME.

    4 replies 17 retweets 50 likes
    [​IMG] Hillary Johnson‏ @oslersweb 5h5 hours ago

    Maureen Hanson: we need to tell the public that they need to worry about ME

    1 reply 11 retweets 35 likes
    [​IMG] Hillary Johnson‏ @oslersweb 5h5 hours ago

    Unfortunately, genius viruses like the one causing ME/CFS are very clever viruses. we have $15 million in 2019...We need more research. We need money. We hear NIH say they'll fund more if more applications are received. But, you need specifically designated $; set aside funds

    1 reply 9 retweets 21 likes
    [​IMG] Hillary Johnson‏ @oslersweb 5h5 hours ago

    Maureen Hanson: disease is now endemic. People get sick and don't seem to be part of an outbreak. What happens when emerging disease becomes endemic? Disease must compete with other endemic disease.

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    [​IMG] Hillary Johnson‏ @oslersweb 5h5 hours ago

    Maureen Hanson: the different outbreaks are clearly identifiable as what we today call ME/CFS. Ramsay's description in 1950s resonates with our current five symptoms, PEM, brain fog, and relapsing remitting symptoms. They are the same disease, but with some variations in virus

    3 replies 10 retweets 26 likes
    [​IMG] Hillary Johnson‏ @oslersweb 5h5 hours ago

    Maureen Hanson Keynote. Will give you my thoughts about ME, not just data. Some speculation.: Cause of abnormal functioning of immune system. 70 percent started with viral-like infection. upsurge of outbreaks in 1950s, another outbreaks in 1980s.

    0 replies 4 retweets 10 likes
  3. Wonko

    Wonko Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Anyone know how much longer this thing goes on for?
    alktipping and Grigor like this.
  4. Binkie4

    Binkie4 Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    “Mike Snyder was saying the same things. His team have found that an increased resting heart rate can be an early warning of episodes of acute illness. He's interested in how that might work in chronic illness too. He's doing a study (not specific to ME/CFS) with people wearing wearable devices.

    Certainly I have an increased resting heart rate when I'm worst, ME/CFS-wise.”

    Absolutely. I watch my HR like a hawk. I have an increased resting heart rate when I have overdone things, and am crashing or about to crash. It helps me to know that I must rest hard, lying flat.

    I also fit Maureen Hanson’s virus theory. 80s onset. Three of us teaching the same subject in a college became ill at the same time. My onset was 3 hours after a colleague’s. She became ill and had to go home. I felt very ill 3 hours later. The third staff member was hospitalised.
  5. Binkie4

    Binkie4 Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    They are 8 hours behind us, started 9am, 5 pm our time.

    I think it is due to run till 5pm, 1am our time.
  6. Ben H

    Ben H Established Member (Voting Rights)

  7. Ben H

    Ben H Established Member (Voting Rights)

  8. Grigor

    Grigor Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I was getting a bit down. No treatments etc. This bit lifted me back up!

    "Davis - Treatments being assessed by nanoneedle

    MS drug Copaxone - turns electrical impedance normal in nanoneedle

    Davis lab actually making the drug to use in experiments.

    SS31 repairs mitochondria, binds to mitochondria, in clinical trials, makes signal in nanoneedle look normal as well.


    Also try herbal extracts - if they find one - so easy to get and use. (Jarred Younger has finished his study on botanical extracts...)

    Endopropionate - neuroprotectant missing in severely ill; made from bacteria in gut. In clinical trials for other diseases."

    Just not sure what this Endopropionate is/does?
    edawg81, rvallee, EzzieD and 6 others like this.
  9. Saz94

    Saz94 Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Should that be indopropionate?
    alktipping and Grigor like this.
  10. Saz94

    Saz94 Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I thought Ron Davis had been saying (previously) that it wasn't a virus. Has he changed his mind?
  11. Grigor

    Grigor Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Could be. I just copied and pasted it!
  12. Saz94

    Saz94 Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Or indolepropionate?
    Grigor and Simon M like this.
  13. Rain

    Rain Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Happy to see someone connecting the dots between PEM and sleep.

    Regarding medications/trials - I’m impatient.
    - Copaxone seems far away. A drug like that needs many years/trials before becoming avalable.
    - What about SS31? Is that more like a amino acid/supplement that could be on the market sooner?
    - has Younger mentioned what herbs he has been studying?
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2019
    Saz94 and alktipping like this.
  14. NelliePledge

    NelliePledge Moderator Staff Member

    UK West Midlands
    Who was that and what did they say?
  15. Rain

    Rain Senior Member (Voting Rights)

  16. Forbin

    Forbin Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    A couple of times, Ron Davis mentioned that they were hindered because they didn't have access to a "high-end" mass spectrometer. I wonder how expensive such a device is. From what little I've seen, the "high-end" that shows up on the internet seems to be between $100K-$200K. Of course, the real high-end might be much more. Knowing the real cost would at least give some idea if a fund-raising effort was feasible.
  17. Rain

    Rain Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    @Grigor adding to your list: Moreau also mentioned thymoquinone that can be found in Nigella Sativa/black seed oil (when he talked about brain fog).
    Annamaria, Grigor and rvallee like this.
  18. Jaybee00

    Jaybee00 Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    @Rain copaxone has been available worldwide for over 10 years now. Also available as a generic.
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2019
    alktipping likes this.
  19. wigglethemouse

    wigglethemouse Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    ~$1.5MM list price without discount
    Annamaria, Ben H, Kitty and 3 others like this.
  20. Forbin

    Forbin Senior Member (Voting Rights)


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