Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Improves Physical Function & Fatigue in Mild & Moderate CFS: A Consecutive RCT, 2021, Gotaas et al

Discussion in 'Psychosomatic research - ME/CFS and Long Covid' started by Three Chord Monty, Apr 13, 2021.

  1. Midnattsol

    Midnattsol Moderator Staff Member

    Nina Steinkopf has written about the studies by the author (Stiles) responsible for the correction due to his COI at NTNU's own news site Universitetsavisa, with a focus on the thread's study as it is the only one of many where a correction has been done. She also points out that is is not ethical that 2. year students should treat patients when patients are told a psychologist will be the one doing the treatment.

    Uredelig forskning på sårbare pasienter
    Fraudulent research on vulnerable patients

    She got a reply from the head of the psychology department who disagree with calling the research done unethical, and he thinks it is bad of Universitetsavisa to publish Steinkopf's misconceptions such as Stiles having an economical conflict of interest.

    Feilaktige påstander om uredelighet i forskning
    False allegations of research misconduct

    Steinkopf wrote a reply where she among other things points out the 100+ million Norwegian kroners Stiles' Coperio rehab centre has received to treat patients (not just pwME).

    - At Flaten ikke ser alvoret, er bare trist
    - That Flaten does not see the seriousness is just sad
    Wyva, Sly Saint, mango and 4 others like this.

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