International: World Health Organization News (news relevant to ME/CFS, Long Covid and related conditions)

Discussion in 'News from organisations' started by Simon M, Aug 22, 2020.

  1. Dx Revision Watch

    Dx Revision Watch Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Two posts copied from Updates on status of ICD-11 and changes to other classification and terminology systems
    Go there for discussion of the implicatons of this decision on ICD-11.

    BMJ Published 21 January 2025


    The US withdrawal from the WHO: a global health crisis in the making
    BMJ 2025; 388 doi: (Published 21 January 2025) Cite this as: BMJ 2025;388:r116

    1. Kent Buse, professor of health policy1,
    2. Larry Gostin, distinguished professor of global health law2,
    3. Adeeba Kamarulzaman, president, pro vice-chancellor1,
    4. Martin McKee, professor of European public health3
    • Competing interests: KB is member of the World Obesity Federation Board and chairs its policy and prevention committee. LG is director, World Health Organization Collaborating Center on Global Health Law. AK is vice chair of the WHO Science Council. MM is a senior adviser to WHO EURO and co-director of the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, a partnership hosted by WHO.
    In a major blow to global health, the US administration has announced plans to withdraw from the World Health Organization. Kent Buse and colleagues propose urgent actions for the international community to mitigate the damage.

    When the previous Trump administration announced its withdrawal from the World Health Organization (WHO), the decision sent shockwaves throughout the world.1 While that decision was reversed by the incoming Biden administration, Trump has done it again. And this time around, he has sufficient time to complete the 12 month withdrawal process. This severing of ties between the world’s largest economy and its foremost public health body represents a major setback for health diplomacy, scientific collaboration, and funding. The repercussions will ripple across borders, leaving WHO weaker and the US isolated when global health challenges demand unity etc.




    January 20, 2025


    Trump orders US exit from the World Health Organization
    By Patrick Wingrove and Jennifer Rigby
    January 21, 202510:48 AM GMT Updated an hour ago

    • Summary
    • Trump signs order to exit World Health Organization
    • Says WHO taking unfair payments from the U.S.
    • Criticizes WHO handling of COVID-19 pandemic
    • Withdrawal may put WHO health emergency programs at risk
    NEW YORK, Jan 20 (Reuters) - The United States will leave the World Health Organization, President Donald Trump said on Monday, saying the global health agency had mishandled the COVID-19 pandemic and other international health crises.

    Trump said the WHO had failed to act independently from the "inappropriate political influence of WHO member states" and required "unfairly onerous payments" from the U.S. that were disproportionate to the sums provided by other, larger countries, such as China etc.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 21, 2025
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  2. Dx Revision Watch

    Dx Revision Watch Senior Member (Voting Rights)


    WHO comments on United States announcement of intent to withdraw

    Geneva – The World Health Organization regrets the announcement that the United States of America intends to withdraw from the Organization.

    WHO plays a crucial role in protecting the health and security of the world’s people, including Americans, by addressing the root causes of disease, building stronger health systems, and detecting, preventing and responding to health emergencies, including disease outbreaks, often in dangerous places where others cannot go. The United States was a founding member of WHO in 1948 and has participated in shaping and governing WHO’s work ever since, alongside 193 other Member States, including through its active participation in the World Health Assembly and Executive Board. For over seven decades, WHO and the USA have saved countless lives and protected Americans and all people from health threats. Together, we ended smallpox, and together we have brought polio to the brink of eradication. American institutions have contributed to and benefited from membership in WHO.

    With the participation of the United States and other Member States, WHO has over the past 7 years implemented the largest set of reforms in its history, to transform our accountability, cost-effectiveness, and impact in countries. This work continues.

    We hope the United States will reconsider and we look forward to engaging in constructive dialogue to maintain the partnership between the USA and WHO, for the benefit of the health and well-being of millions of people around the globe.

    Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus @DrTedros
    9:55 AM · Jan 21, 2025
    ahimsa, shak8, Peter Trewhitt and 2 others like this.

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