News about Long Covid including its relationship to ME/CFS 2020 to 2021

Discussion in 'Long Covid news' started by Hip, Jan 21, 2020.

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  1. Mij

    Mij Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Yep, only time will tell.

    I felt pretty much recovered from PVFS after 9 months, but quickly had a relapse once I started working and doing normal activities. I didn't experience PEM until 6-7 years later when I started exercising again.
    ladycatlover, Ravn, sebaaa and 4 others like this.
  2. Kalliope

    Kalliope Senior Member (Voting Rights)

  3. John Mac

    John Mac Senior Member (Voting Rights)


    My bolding
    ladycatlover, Ravn, Hutan and 13 others like this.
  4. rvallee

    rvallee Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    It seems possible to develop PVFS with nearly asymptomatic cases:

    I suspect that many pwME who do not have a clear infectious trigger probably fall in that camp, of either having been asymptomatic or having had low-level symptoms that were so unremarkable as to never have been noted, even in patients' own history. Especially so when trying to work this out years after they happened.

    If health care were mature and efficient, every single case of infection, of any nature, would at least have a record, using standard tests and follow-ups on symptoms progression with long-term outcomes. It's absurd that we still basically treat infections as non-issues unless they cause massive acute problems. Going in completely blind, willfully no less, on such a massive problem is foolish to the extreme.

    And no wonder medicine is clueless about the kinds of symptoms that get a patient sent home to recover. They never see those problems, never gain experience on them, never see course progression, never take note of various patterns and fluctuations.

    A radically different approach to public health is needed, this thing where we wait for problems to grow out of control is an obvious disaster.
    Amw66, Simbindi, Michelle and 16 others like this.
  5. Dolphin

    Dolphin Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Another issue is that many people who have developed ME/CFS symptoms in the last six months may put them down to COVID-19 when it could have another cause (though Covid-19 antibodies do increase the chances the cause is Covid-19). Lots of people may misattribute what causes their illness e.g. lots of families attribute ME/CFS symptoms to HPV vaccines while the attribution in many/most/all cases may be inaccurate.
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2020
    ahimsa, Michelle, sebaaa and 14 others like this.
  6. Kalliope

    Kalliope Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Forbes - Are Long-Term Coronavirus Complications Considered Disabilities Under the ADA?
    by employment lawyer Tom Spiggle

    Extreme fatigue is one of the most common long-term complications from a coronavirus infection and its symptoms seem to mimic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS). According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), ME/CFS is severe fatigue that does not improve with rest and can worsen after any form of physical or mental activity. There is a proposed billin Congress to promote research into ME/CFS and how it may relate to coronavirus survivors.

    These long-term complications affect not just the health of coronavirus survivors, but also their ability to work. So this begs the question: could the lasting effects of the coronavirus constitute a legally recognized disability? Yes, and this article will discuss how.
    MEMarge, ahimsa, Michelle and 12 others like this.
  7. leokitten

    leokitten Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    And imagine all the people that got COVID but couldn’t get a positive test, for the various reasons described in the news, yet they had had illness and symptoms?

    They’ll end up just like most of PwME, who got ME/CFS outside of any outbreak, and didn’t know what the terrible flu/viral infection illness was in the beginning and simply thought it was just a very bad type of flu that would pass. I waited for it to go away and after 2 months finally went to doctors. I told them all the symptoms and that my heart was doing crazy things that I could feel. They found I was having cardiac arrhythmias and also very high EBV and HHV-6 IgG and EA-D titers (but not IgM), but of course the doctors simply said it looked like a past infection and the PVCs I was having can happen with healthy people, but the cardiologist admitted that it’s surprising that I could feel all of them as healthy people don’t notice they are having them.

    These people will have such a hard time getting any help from the government or disability, as those with ME have struggled.
    MEMarge, ahimsa, Michelle and 12 others like this.
  8. Jaybee00

    Jaybee00 Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    sebaaa, Kalliope, Ravn and 1 other person like this.
  9. dave30th

    dave30th Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I didn't quite get the distinction until I was in Australia, and there the distinction was pretty clear. But they use it exactly as Trish says--even if it lasts six months or a year and it ends, post-viral fatigue syndrome is the term--it's just a very, very long process of what is a few weeks for most people. What is being called ME but what in Australia is generally referred to as "chronic fatigue" was a different entity. People would grumble if someone on a panel talked about getting better with exercise at the 9 month or one year mark and would say they had PVFS and not "chronic fatigue" (ie ME).
  10. Hutan

    Hutan Moderator Staff Member

    Aotearoa New Zealand
    I think I titled the thread. I agree that there probably isn't a difference. My thinking was that the PVFS covered the period up to 6 months, and also it covered the bases for those people who think there is a difference.

    Having a family where three of us got ME/CFS at the same time after a viral infection and one of us got better within 2 years and two of us are still sick 7 years later leaves me pretty convinced ME and PVFS are different names for the same thing.
    Chezboo, MEMarge, Michelle and 17 others like this.
  11. Sean

    Sean Moderator Staff Member

    Yeah, I don't think we are at the point where reliable distinctions can be drawn between ME, PVFS, CFS, Post-COVID, etc.

    Or even know if there are any.

    We just don't know.
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2020
    Chezboo, MEMarge, Michelle and 14 others like this.
  12. Ravn

    Ravn Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Aotearoa New Zealand
    This. Because too few have been interested enough to even try to have a look. Plus different people use the terms differently, to ensure maximum confusion.
    These are some of the interpretations I've come across and can recall at the top of my head; there are likely to be others. No idea which one if any is right.
    • PVFS is simply the name up until 6 months and then it gets a new name, ME, but it's all the same thing.
    • PVFS can last from a few months to about 2 years - some say up to 5 years - and then you recover. It's not ME.
    • PVFS is an early form of ME. If you fail to recover from PVFS within 3 years something in your body changes and you tip over into ME you won't recover.
    • PVFS is different from ME in that there is no PEM with it, instead there's a more constant, less fluctuating heavy exhaustion and other symptoms.
    Chezboo, Amw66, alktipping and 9 others like this.
  13. Mithriel

    Mithriel Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Mowbray renamed ME as Post Viral Fatigue Syndrome which took over with alarming rapidity. Ramsay's publishers refused to publish his book unless he called it PVFS which was the correct name for the disease.

    At the time, viruses were considered to often have a long term recovery which was referred to as a post viral syndrome so PVS and PVFS were completely different.

    The confusion of names is used against us and what we are told we have does not necessarily have any relation to what is going on in our bodies. There is no evidence that someone who has a post viral syndrome and recovers after a few years ever had the same as someone who goes on to get ME. The people with long covid are already getting the "feeling fine then all symptoms recur" that is more typical than the constant fatigue of PVS.

    Lyme disease is caused by a bacteria and giardia by an amoeba so it is not very likely they would lead to the same disease as a virus. It is just as possible that being debilitated by them would let a virus get in that causes ME.

    I believe if there comes a test it will show up very quickly if someone has ME.

    What we think of as an infection is mostly the response of the immune system - the fever, runny nose and so on. A virus which is evading the immune system to get deep into the body will seem like a milder disease.
    Ravn, alktipping, rvallee and 3 others like this.
  14. Jonathan Edwards

    Jonathan Edwards Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    London, UK
    Worth remembering that PVFS and ME are different types of diagnosis, whether or not they can be applied to the same person.

    PVFS is a diagnosis that implies a cause, ME is not. Medicine is full of terms of both sorts that are both useful in different situations.
    Saz94, TrixieStix, Ravn and 9 others like this.
  15. chrisb

    chrisb Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I agree that PVFS does seem to imply a cause, but this interpretation was rejected by the BPSists, who said that it merely indicated correlation. People had had a virus, and now they had fatigue.
    Ravn, alktipping, rvallee and 4 others like this.
  16. Jonathan Edwards

    Jonathan Edwards Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    London, UK
    OK, it implies a prior history. That still makes it a different sort of diagnosis. Moreover, if the viral illness is not thought to be causal there does not seem much point in mentioning it! I thought the BPS people had it as part of the bio-. Their pseudometaphysical arguments about minds, bodies and causes don't have to be swallowed.
    MEMarge, TrixieStix, Ravn and 8 others like this.
  17. Sly Saint

    Sly Saint Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    exactly which is one of the reasons I was so furious when my medical notes which showed a clear progression ie, virus, pneumonia, PVFS, ME were changed to CFS.
  18. ukxmrv

    ukxmrv Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Somewhere along the line PVS changed to PVFS. My old medical notes start with PVS and then ME. This is around 1987ish.

    There is no mention of PV'F'S and when I saw this term used later I felt that the inclusion of fatigue was odd as my symptoms were still bouts of what felt like the initial virus attack.

    Years later I heard that the 'F' part was included due to the intervention of an official body but I don't know if true.
    Ravn, Hutan, alktipping and 5 others like this.
  19. EzzieD

    EzzieD Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Same here, I got what was called ME or PVS in 1983. I never heard the term PVFS until much later, maybe about 1990, and the change from PVS to PVFS baffled me because when I got ill, it was understood that the condition was a prolonging of viral-type symptoms, eg feeling very ill and flu-like, dizzy, 'hungover', 'poisoned', etc. Fatigue didn't even come into it. Then suddenly a few years later, the usage of 'fatigue' appeared, first in addition to the original symptoms and then gradually becoming the only necessary symptom.

    I do remember something about Dr Ramsay being pressured to add 'fatigue' to his ME symptom list somewhere in the late 1980s; his original definition did not include fatigue, just a specific characteristic type of muscle fatiguability. But in about 1990, a different version of his definition now had fatigue at the top of the symptom list. I, too, can not remember, or maybe didn't know at the time, where that pressure came from.
    Shinygleamy, Ravn, Hutan and 6 others like this.
  20. Dolphin

    Dolphin Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I used to think the illness after an infection that wasn’t viral would be quite a bit different to one after a virus. Then I read papers on post-giardia from Norway such as one Leonard Jason co-authored and was surprised how ME-like the descriptions were.
    MEMarge, Amw66, Ravn and 9 others like this.
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