No, exhaustion disorder ("utmattningssyndrom", used to be "utmattningsdepression", or colloquially "utbrändhet") is a specific diagnosis that only exists in Sweden. It's a psychiatric diagnosis, prolonged work-related stress that has led to exhaustion. It's probably called something like "burnout" in other countries. I would assume that a patient in Sweden who gets an ED diagnosis would probably get a CFS diagnosis in other countries, or maybe depression or something like that. CFS is "kroniskt trötthetssyndrom, KTS" in Swedish.
Paywalled article about Jessika, this time in a bigger newspaper: Jessika har levt fem år i ett nedsläckt rum
This is about some of the complaints that were filed against Jonas Axelsson and the Amelie Clinic/Ameliekliniken. Written article + a video (3 minutes, in Swedish). Hård Ivo-kritik mot läkaren som massmedicinerade ME-sjuka
Paywalled Hård kritik mot granskade virusläkaren: ”Vårdslös och bristfällig”
I mean.. I does sound like he skipped a few steps here and there. I have no idea if the conclusions would have been different, but you have to follow the rules if you want to practice as a doctor.
A wee bit of good news! The Swedish Covid Association announced today that the Parliamentary Ombudsmen (JO) has decided to investigate their complaint against the National Board of Health and Welfare! JO tar upp vår anmälan mot Socialstyrelsen @MittEremltage comments on her blog today: JO-går vidare med Svenska Covidföreningens anmälan av Socialstyrelsen
Ola Didrik Saugstad and Mette Schøyen talk about biomedical ME research findings. A recent webinar in Norwegian, with Norwegian subtitles (38 minutes). Hva skjer i ME-Forskningen nå? Please support Norges ME-forening Oslo och Akershus fylkeslag if you find the webinar useful.
The findings in this study on wage development/rehabilitation was presented in an opinion piece in Aftenposten not so long ago, basically stating that most ME patients do not recover (contrary to what is often said in the Norwegian news). So of course our competence center had to write a reply to bring some "nuance", claiming among other things that many recover following CBT and GET but that it is difficult to receive treatment in the healthcare system, implying that patients have not recovered as they have not been able to be treated with CBT/GET... Oh and it's no longer a "viscious cycle" of inactivity and fear avoidance, but a negative spiral. It's important with newspeak. I'm copying the whole thing as it is very short. Google translated: With friends like these..
It's despairing they are allowed to continue. Competence centers other people want to keep are closed down due to funding, but they somehow have managed to stay afloat despite massive criticism.
Do we know why they’ve lasted longer than the 10 years that are outlined by the Government? The service shall ensure the development of national expertise and competence within a specified discipline/disease/treatment, and are responsible for the dissemination of this knowledge to all health regions and entire health service, to patients and the population in general within a period of 5 or 10 years.
No longer behind a paywall
(Not ME, but relevant to pwME.) New article by Sara Riggare, expert patient, patient researcher and researcher at Uppsala university in Sweden. Hear my concerns and I will take your recommendations seriously "Sara Riggare highlights the importance of trust and dialogue when making treatment decisions"
Paywalled article. Är postcovid en kultursjukdom? According to the submission guidelines, for a text to be published in Kvartal it "should be both well written and deal with a new topic, or an old topic in a new way" and "claims, especially controversial ones, should be substantiated with sources and preferably with scientific ones". Would be interesting to read the article. Does anyone here have access?
This seems very much like the "seasonal COVID" nonsense. Happens every season, therefore it's seasonal. Which is the opposite of what seasonal means. If it happens in every culture we know of, then I guess you could call that cultural, but it'd be pretty foolish. Unfortunately foolish is exactly what is sought here.
Postcovid: Marie jobbar heltid igen, men ”viruset lever rövare” (Vision is a trade union, with more than 200 000 members. Members' jobs involve management, developing and administrating welfare in private companies, municipalities, county councils and churches.)
I also had to do pulse-raising activity three times a day for thirty seconds to oxygenate the brain. It made the brain fog disappear,’ she says. I’m not sure I would endorse this if you’ve got PEM. If you want more oxygen to the brain, can’t you just lie at an incline with your head down?
Surely would only be a very temporary effect. And breathe a bit faster/more deeply? I can make my finger pulse oximeter go from 96% to 98% with a few deep breaths, though don't overdo it, as hyperventilating can make you faint. Alse ensure you're not anaemic.