Johannes Klæbo has won 5/5 gold as the ongoing Skiing World Championship. He’s aiming for 6/6. An important measure is that he is isolating in order to avoid infections. He has only met his girlfriend 10 times since October. He has a cohort that consists of 4 people, and he refuses close contact with anyone. Even the people in the cohort has to keep a distance of at least 2 meters. There’s no mention of covid specifically. - Do you think anyone thinks it's a bit hysterical? - "Yes, I think so. It's a bit hysterical, but that's the way it has to be when you have to make it probable that you won't get sick," says Lasse Gimnes. (His media advisor)
That's just reminded me of when the TV dietician Gillian McKeith told people that when you eat green vegetables the chlorophyll oxygenates your blood.
Good for him. I was a bit annoyed when they said masks didn't work (funny how the skiing people manage to use FFP2's when health care do not..), nice to see they seem to learn after some bouts of illness (i seem to remember he had to pass on some training, and did he miss a competition as well? I'm not really following more than the headlines).
He got some kind of respiratory thing (forkjølelse) a month ago and had to stop his high altitude program in Switzerland. Whenever I mention athletes using masks, the default response seems to be that they are ‘extreme’ and that it isn’t applicable to regular people..
I get the same response. But I don't get it with all the people saying they are indispensable at work and other stuff. And in my field with many having temporary positions and strict deadlines... why not avoid illness? The high levels of sick leave is placing many under "extreme" levels of pressure too. I wore a mask at my job interviews and landed a new job tho