NICE ME/CFS Guideline stakeholder scoping workshop, Fri 25th May 2018

Discussion in 'General ME/CFS news' started by Andy, Mar 16, 2018.

  1. adambeyoncelowe

    adambeyoncelowe Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I should add, they joked that they weren't used to getting praise. I think they know the consequences of getting it wrong.
  2. Amw66

    Amw66 Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    The IAPT programme will shift increasing numbers of long term patients into cheap therapies and enable the selling off of profitable services post Brexit
    There is no evidence base, the drive is political
  3. Amw66

    Amw66 Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    From previous studies they always do when you carefully pick your parameters....
  4. Amw66

    Amw66 Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    It is so sad - the huge margin by which they simply do not get it.
    It would be interesting to see some stats from here- is it like Bath where if you fail to improve you are simply labelled with something else and dumped?
    I fear for children being " cared for" in places like this
  5. Alena Lerari

    Alena Lerari Established Member

    Being labelled with something else and/or dumped is actually the better option. You can also get accused of not engaging, not following what they say (they control every minute of the day and night) and therefore stopping your child from getting better (never mind that the current guidelines say that you can withdraw from any aspect of the ‘treatment/management’). That can obviously lead to more sinister things like child protection.
    Anna, Jan, alktipping and 18 others like this.
  6. Amw66

    Amw66 Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    This illustrates the benefits of not having "experts" - when first diagnosed i was angry, now on reflection, it would simply have made things a lot worse.
    Following pro formas and advice frm paediatrician simply made things worse, i dread to think what a cfs/ mus clinic would have done.
    The picture is worth someone tweeting
    Anna, alktipping, mango and 8 others like this.
  7. Daisymay

    Daisymay Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Yes and I think one major concern regarding new NICE guidelines is that they accept the evidence base for effectiveness of CBT/GET is seriously flawed, none existent, and withdraw them in their present form, but as we've heard they don't want to leave us with no treatments, so we'll get a form of CBT/GET/activity management lite.

    With CBT/GET/activity management lite they will say CBT is now to help us deal with a physical disease and exercise activity to help people function safely without getting deconditioned or overdoing it .

    This scenario would have no scientific basis, to back it up, no RCT's, which would surely be against NICE rules and regulations?

    But most importantly I think it would be a disaster, conveniently leaving ME open to being scooped up into MUS clinics, therefore branding ME even more strongly than it is just now, as a behavioural/psychological disorder.

    I think this type of scenario with CBT/GET/activity management lite is very dangerous for us. I suspect this is what they want to do, easy option for NICE and keeps the psychs control of the disease in a different format.

    So I think it is absolutely critical to get the biomedical basis of ME cast in stone in the new guidelines so that they emphatically can't subsume us in MUS, that to me is paramount.
    Last edited: May 27, 2018
  8. Sly Saint

    Sly Saint Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Jan, alktipping, Robert 1973 and 14 others like this.
  9. Suffolkres

    Suffolkres Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Being ....dumped is actually the better option. Yes indeed and less FII "risk" or "mum blame"......
    Been there and have the tee-shirt- 2000 I was being driven down this route.
    In 2005 the Mental Capacity Act also triggered further threats with Deprivation of Liberty. ( adults at risk too).
  10. Jonathan Edwards

    Jonathan Edwards Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    London, UK
    I don't think we should see 'NICE' as made up of people who want to do anyone down. I think the worst one can say of NICE is that they are bureaucrats who want an easy life sometimes. Even that may be unfair. Talking to Peter Barry and Mark Baker last week my impression is that they genuinely want to have happy customers. If anything the desire to please the patient community may get in the way of the best solution.

    It seems that in the past a group of psychiatrists have taken charge of decision making but these people were notably absent either from the meeting or the proposals we were shown.

    So I don't think NICE have any preference for having psychiatrists in control, but I do think they may want an easy option - or at least one that causes as little rumpus as possible. The trouble with that is that it may lead to the idea that they should be 'inclusive' and allow lots of different options, even if with a weak evidence base. That of course allows the psychiatrists right back in (having never actually left) and we are back to square one. My position has been that the only way to keep unproven and troublesome treatments out of the picture is to stick to the normal NICE policy of requiring a good evidence base.

    And that makes it hard to have a 'biomedical basis cast in stone' because it isn't cast in any stone in the literature. We cannot say to NICE 'we have decided that ME is biomedical and you have to agree'. All we can say is that there is no evidence that the psychiatrists either have any coherent theories or trial based evidence for their approach being of any value. In a court of law the relatives are not allowed to tell the judge that the defendant has to be acquitted because they say so. The judge has to decide on evidence. The problem we have is that the psychiatry people have been doing this. If we use the same tactic we have a very weak position.
  11. Sasha

    Sasha Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I think it would be better to have ME as the NICE poster child of how a disease that isn't yet understood biomedically shouldn't be treated as though it's psychological by default. That way, the poor (non-ME) patients who get a MUS diagnosis might benefit from the same logic and the same protection as we're seeking.

    Though I do certainly agree that the sooner that we can get solid, replicable, sensitive and specific biomarkers in place for ME, the better. :)
    Jan, alktipping, Hutan and 16 others like this.
  12. JemPD

    JemPD Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    My thanks to all who participated in the meeting.

    I think this is precisely what will happen


    I dont know why more people cant see that the position of "well such n such supplement/off label drug helps some people, so lets have it".... is simply the BPS argument in the opposite direction.
    Whats good for the goose is good for the gander. Either we say 'strong evidence only' or we dont, we cant have it both ways. We simply cannot expect NICE to accept our "let us use these things because we dont have anything else" line, while dismissing that same line from the BPSers (- who after all carry much more weight & authority at the present time)... to me that is a ludicrous expectation, and an unfair one.

    I appreciate that using 'strong evidence ONLY" approach may prevent some people getting things that might help, but it will definitely prevent people being harmed. First do no harm.
    And honestly i'd happily sacrifice a little improvement (that may be mainly placebo anyway) to save vulnerable children being committed to psych wards/put in care/made permanently bedbound.

    Lets stop the abuse first and foremost.
    Last edited: May 27, 2018
    Hutan, alktipping, Pechius and 14 others like this.
  13. Hoopoe

    Hoopoe Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I proposed that despite seeing this. The thought was that if NICE is unwilling to say that patients should receive no treatment, then we could at least get them to recommend some fairly harmless supplements over potentially dangerous GET. It's a political move.

    But I agree it makes us look like hypocrites if at the same we insist on having CBT/GET removed on the basis that there is no solid evidence. We would have to also play the "surveys consistently show harm" card.

    In the end the question seems to boil down to how patients should be treated when they have chronic symptoms that cannot be attributed to a known disease. Current thought is to assume a psychological disorder and treat accordingly.

    It's possible that we will win the CBT/GET fight only to then have to fight the MUS nonsense, and then some other successor. The medical culture is that of assuming a psychological disorder when symptoms are unexplained and that is really the root of the problem. The weak claims and poor science associated with that are spared from healthy skepticism because they are in line with this medical culture.
    Last edited: May 27, 2018
    alktipping, Pechius, Missense and 5 others like this.
  14. JemPD

    JemPD Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Sorry cross posted with @strategist - removed the following from an edit to original post - it didnt seem fair to add such a significant edit when several people had already liked original post.

    I don't see why the clinics cant be maintained by ditching the GET/CBT delivery but keeping specialist nurses giving pacing advice, referrals on (for POTs testing/any other issues), plus OT & a prescribing physician to help with symptom relief meds, and say, a yearly follow up. Also giving support with benefits and referrals to (ugh) IAPT... if patient desires. (obviously i'd rather IAPT didnt exist at all & referrals for proper counselling was available, but we need to be realistic.
  15. JemPD

    JemPD Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    you make a good point @strategist.
    alktipping and ladycatlover like this.
  16. MEMarge

    MEMarge Senior Member (Voting Rights)


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  17. Hoopoe

    Hoopoe Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    But enough of these thought experiments. It is not a good idea to squander our credibility by recommending unproven treatments and the likely outcome is that NICE will not remove CBT/GET from the recommendations but instead add these other unproven treatments.

    So let's do this instead: get NICE guidelines to mirror this document

    and get them to admit that there is no evidence for any treatment.
    Hutan, alktipping, Forestvon and 2 others like this.
  18. MEMarge

    MEMarge Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I have attached the above as it includes suggestions of extra ways for lay members to provide input.

    I believe that people who are interested in ANY roles need to apply at the same time as Committee members.

    I did ask Kate Kelly, who is guideline lead for NICE, whether job shares would be possible. I cited someone at her table who is interested in participating, but was clearly wiped out after 3 hours, plus a planning session beforehand. Or the posiibibilty of having reserves.

    I do think this is a real problem. Last time there were, as I understand it: 2 people who were mildly affected and one who was severe and unable to attend several meetings. I think she contributed in other ways, but not sure how much of that was minuted.

    In other illnesses , such as MS/RA/Parkinsons, there is already a wide understanding of the nature of the disease and its effects and progression.

    This is not widely the case with ME
  19. MEMarge

    MEMarge Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I agree. I think that examples of current noticeboards, patient info and questionnaires would be brilliant. I think we need to gather them before the CFS clinics are switched to MUS.

    I don't have the tech skills/resources to do this, or the time at the moment. I would be very happy to contribute to helping ask for these on different FBs etc and with collating/reviewing results later in the year.

    @Graham any ideas on this?
  20. Cheshire

    Cheshire Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    There's still symptoms relief (pain an sleep mainly).

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