Paul Garner on Long Covid and ME/CFS - BMJ articles and other media.

Discussion in 'Long Covid news' started by lycaena, May 5, 2020.

  1. Sly Saint

    Sly Saint Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    quite apart from the ME community, the Long Covid Community have excluded him from many of their online groups.
    Fainbrog, Sean, Missense and 9 others like this.
  2. Jonathan Edwards

    Jonathan Edwards Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    London, UK
    I think that is rather overestimating what she found. The levels of some rather obscure cytokines shifted a bit after about 3 years I think. Enough to be statistically significant maybe but nothing that we would normally take as relevant in clinical practice.

    When those data came out I was impressed by the careful methodology and that something ad been found but I saw it as a tiny clue rather than anything to hang a theory on. Since then we have not heard more. I suspect that Hornig realised that there was no obvious way to build on the story.
    Fainbrog, MEMarge, ukxmrv and 11 others like this.
  3. MrMagoo

    MrMagoo Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I really think they’re best ignored, they can shout into the void because hardly anyone is buying it.

    We are not “stopping people getting well” people are well able to hear about GET, LP, Brain-training App (I forget what it’s called) just as they are also able to read NICE guidance and NHS guidance, and make their own decisions. Free speech innit?

    Why aren’t they lobbying the NHS to roll out their miracle cures, rather than attacking patients and patient groups for not believing they work?
    Fainbrog, MEMarge, ukxmrv and 8 others like this.
  4. Trish

    Trish Moderator Staff Member

    They probably are. Garner has published yet again criticising the NICE guideline, and supported by PACE authors and Wessely.
    Fainbrog, MEMarge, Binkie4 and 14 others like this.
  5. Maat

    Maat Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    England, UK
    Who's to say they're not doing both when there has been no method of officially reporting harm from psychosocial treatment similar to the yellow card scheme? That only changed in Oct 2023 when the HSSIB relaunched, but it has not been tested yet on this subject matter.
    Sean, Missense, Deanne NZ and 5 others like this.
  6. Haveyoutriedyoga

    Haveyoutriedyoga Senior Member (Voting Rights) Staff Member

    South West, UK
    I do agree, and I think providing an opposition can just add fuel to the fire, but it’s easier to spread a catchy one liner than it is to get all MECFS X users to agree to ignore this sort of thing.
    Ash, Sean, Deanne NZ and 4 others like this.
  7. MrMagoo

    MrMagoo Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Biopsychosaurus works for me, as does “first, do no harm”
    MEMarge, Fizzlou, Sean and 5 others like this.
  8. Hutan

    Hutan Moderator Staff Member

    Aotearoa New Zealand
    Some posts discussing possible journalists who could cover the story have been removed as off-topic
  9. rvallee

    rvallee Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    They very accurately embody the expression of people being so accustomed to privilege that they perceive equality and fairness as injustice. That they should have to provide evidence for their claims beyond their own opinions, when they have had the privilege of doing so for decades, is basically lèse-majesté as far as they're concerned.

    As if they should have to do what everyone but them has to. They never had to before! Why should this start now?! Instead we see a move away from it, the only way they can keep on pretending that their clownish nonsense is anything but vapid delusions.
  10. JellyBabyKid

    JellyBabyKid Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Paul Garner on Radio 5 live just after 10am this morning (29th October) introduced as a "covid expert" claiming it is a a "stress response" and the "nocebo effect"

    Dr Amy Small was also interviewed and very politely disagreed and said it has multiple elements, including vascular.. commenting from memory so might not be accurate on the last part.
  11. JellyBabyKid

    JellyBabyKid Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    He clarified that cognitive approaches "can help"

    This is a really good discussion. All sides getting an airing with lots of personal stories.
    Fainbrog, MEMarge, Deanne NZ and 5 others like this.
  12. MrMagoo

    MrMagoo Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    So silenced, much deplatformed.
    Fainbrog, Sean, Nightsong and 11 others like this.
  13. bobbler

    bobbler Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I don’t fully get why as his only connection to the area is getting covid (April? 2020) that lasted until autumn 2020 - when he started being able to ‘exercise out of it/things lifted’ is a bit fuzzy but I’m guessing around 6months ish - he was on newsnight saying he was fine by the Jan? 8months later so guess he’d been ‘fine enough’ for a good time by then before you do that

    anyway his only connection is having covid that lasted 6-8months in long covid symptoms until Jan 2021

    which many people must have had, why he’s somehow seen by such programmes as any authority vs the next person. Who might have had it longer or shorter

    am I right in thinking he retired so he didn’t get back to his job and that wasn’t in a specialism which would relate to biomedical covid or long covid or anything.

    I know there is the publicising going on but I just don’t get it from any journalistic point of view it rather puzzles me. Just because some friends at uni recovered from glandular fever in this time frame I know it was pre-Twitter but you didn’t have this pick out someone in the middle who didn’t just have four weeks ill or was never the same again as if that’s some ‘special signal’

    what am I missing?
    Fainbrog, Sean, Deanne NZ and 6 others like this.
  14. JellyBabyKid

    JellyBabyKid Senior Member (Voting Rights)


    He appears to be friends with Wessley and Gerada. The latter is the BBC's go to GP so it could be a connection to her or the Science Media Centre put him forward as their in house expert for all things covid?
    Fainbrog, MEMarge, Sean and 8 others like this.
  15. Trish

    Trish Moderator Staff Member

    Sadly it seems anyone is an expert to the BBC if they call themselves an expert and make a lot of noise about it.

    On the surface his credentials can seem impressive:

    His name is attached to various articles about ME/CFS and Long Covid published in research journals; he's part of the self styled Oslo Consortium; he's leader of the patient rep group on COFFI; and his professional career was infectious diseases and Cochrane.

    All quite impressive sounding to someone outside the ME world until you dig deeper and find he's never researched Long Covid or ME/CFS and has never been clinically involved with either group. All he's doing is building a self publicity campaign based on the flimsiest possible evidence, and the shoddy research of his friends.

    I can't bear to listen to him.
  16. bobbler

    bobbler Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    but he isn't an expert? and that should reflect on them if that's the guise he is being put forward? He's a bloke that had covid for 6-8months like many others did. Telling his own story like any other patient also should have a right to (we tend not to and get these silly assertions thrown at what I think are quite straightforward descriptions) is one thing, it is one person who went about their life as anyone else can choose to do 'whatever' and its a bit unusual to get onto numerous shows or what not but still that's that.

    But inferring 'expertise' in long covid or ME/CFS from a 6month personal experience that ended 3yrs ago as the sum total confuses me. When they ask for his credentials as an expert/who are you, as they might Binita Kane, Oonagh Cousins, Chris Ponting, Dr William Weir, Helen Baxter etc then his are 'patient/ill for 6-8months in 2020 with covid/long covid', not GP or scientist or any of the other bps's qualifications?

    being friends with some of the bps doesn't make someone an expert and people who also had covid and long covid also had all sorts of jobs that also weren't being experts in areas related to ME/CFS or covid, I don't know his background but it isn't any more specific to ME/CFS than Miranda's is necessarily?
    Fainbrog, Deanne NZ, Amw66 and 6 others like this.
  17. MrMagoo

    MrMagoo Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    He is an epidemiologist who worked on infectious diseases at the Lpool School of Tropical Medicine, but he hasn’t “worked” on anything COVID. It’s all very muddy.
    As he’s said he worked on Cochrane or helped set it up. It’s not just his “post-Covid condition” - daily 5km walks before the 6 month mark and international travel at the 7 month mark- timeline we need to look into, it’s how long and how far back the BPS connections go.
    Fainbrog, MEMarge, Deanne NZ and 9 others like this.
  18. Sly Saint

    Sly Saint Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    He's an expert in duplicity.
    Read what he wrote here
    Paul Garner on long haul covid-19—Don’t try to dominate this virus, accommodate it - The BMJ

    and compare.
  19. JellyBabyKid

    JellyBabyKid Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Fainbrog, MEMarge, Sean and 14 others like this.
  20. Jonathan Edwards

    Jonathan Edwards Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    London, UK
    This wasn’t helping me. I don’t blame Cochrane—it is an edifice I have helped create—but these reviews represent for me a serious disconnect between mainstream medicine and my own experience, although I am no specialist in this area.

    It really does seem that Dr Garner would benefit from some analysis on a couch to work through the cognitive dissonance he suffers from. Maybe to ask why he should not blame an edifice he help to create?
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2024

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