Researchers propose deep trawl of DNA to help uncover the causes of ME/CFS (Simon McG blog)

Discussion in 'ME/CFS research news' started by Simon M, Jun 26, 2019.

  1. Tom Kindlon

    Tom Kindlon Senior Member (Voting Rights)

  2. Simon M

    Simon M Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Update [to blog]:
    Eric Lander highlighted further GWAS successes at a recent lecture at the Broad Institute (which is based at Harvard and MIT).

    • Heart disease. Analysis of significant SNPs revealed that HDL-cholesterol is not protective (which explains why the $5 billion investment by the Pharma industry in drugs that increase HDL came to nothing). Instead, they reveal that triglycerides are a risk. It turns out that HDL is negatively correlated with triglycerides so the correlation of HDL with heart disease was correlation not causation.
    • Inflammatory bowel disease. 10 new significant biological pathways identified. Autophagy, where the body kills off old cells, recycling their contents, and TGF beta signalling, were identified as therapeutic targets.
    • Alzheimer’s disease. Microglia, the immune cells of the brain, have been shown to play a key role in the disease.
    • Obesity. GWAS shows that thermogenesis (where “brown fat” cells burn off fat to produce heat) is an important pathway impacting on BMI.
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2019
    merylg, ukxmrv, Annamaria and 18 others like this.
  3. Saz94

    Saz94 Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    When is the GWAS likely to happen?
  4. InitialConditions

    InitialConditions Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    North-West England
    The question is still 'Is' rather than 'When is', but if funded my guess would be from 2021 onwards, for perhaps three years.
    merylg, JaneL, Saz94 and 3 others like this.

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