Tues 20 Feb | UK parliamentary debate: PACE trial and its effect on people with ME - Carol Monaghan, MP

Discussion in 'General ME/CFS news' started by Sasha, Feb 17, 2018.

  1. Russell Fleming

    Russell Fleming Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    MEMarge, ladycatlover, Maggie and 7 others like this.
  2. Daisymay

    Daisymay Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Thanks very much, Russell.

    If you move the bar to 11:01:00 that's the start of the debate and it goes on for half an hour.
    Alvin, MEMarge, ladycatlover and 10 others like this.
  3. Barry

    Barry Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Ooooh Sir Simon ... careful those slopey shoulders of yours don't let that knighthood slip. You have gone on record many times after all, saying what a wonderful trial PACE was.
  4. Indigophoton

    Indigophoton Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Carol also made the point repeatedly that NICE etc need to listen to patients.

    She asked for assurances for compulsory training on ME for GPs, and the minister replied, "the Royal College of Physicians identified CFS/ME as a key area of clinical knowledge that GPs should have as part of their qualifying examinations".

    Now it just needs to be the right information that they are examined on!
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2018
    MEMarge, ladycatlover, Joh and 27 others like this.
  5. Barry

    Barry Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Even if the limbs have the capability, if the physiological signalling to them is screwed, it will still be a physiological condition.
    MEMarge, ladycatlover, sea and 8 others like this.
  6. Sly Saint

    Sly Saint Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Another good point that was raised by one of the MPs was removal of CBT GET now, and not waiting for the new guidelines in 2020.

    • Paul Blomfield (Sheffield Central) (Lab)
      The Minister makes the point that final guidance is expected in October 2020, but given the significant doubt over CBT and GET and their impact now, does she recognise the strong case for NICE to suspend the current guidance, which points people towards those potentially damaging treatments?

    Last edited: Feb 20, 2018
  7. Andy

    Andy Retired committee member

    Hampshire, UK
  8. Sasha

    Sasha Senior Member (Voting Rights)

  9. Andy

    Andy Retired committee member

    Hampshire, UK
  10. Binkie4

    Binkie4 Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Thank you Russell.
    Now watched but I found the format difficult when trying to identify points that would be useful to take forward. Some were obvious ( Nicky Morgan) but others will need further review, having got lost in the shuffling. My brain fog is particularly bad. I think Carol Monaghan did really well to stick to her arguments and her preparation was impressive.

    I think it would be so good if Jeremy Hunt were to be inundated with issues following from this debate from the ME community via their MPs.
  11. guest001

    guest001 Guest

  12. Daisymay

    Daisymay Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Yes this is critical.

    Protection of patients is paramount.

    NICE agrees guidelines presently are not fit for purpose, yet are failing to remove them. So potentially two more years of iatrogenic abuse.

    Perhaps NICE needs to consider the legal consequences of this, surely any new patients harmed by CBT/GET over these two years would have a damn good case against them?

    NICE, if you don't care sufficiently about the care and protection of patients, perhaps you'll be motivated by self preservation to take appropriate action to protect NICE from legal action?
    Alvin, MEMarge, ladycatlover and 21 others like this.
  13. Jan

    Jan Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Wow, wasn't Carol fantastic!
  14. Bob

    Bob Established Member


    PACE: "...one of the biggest medical scandals of the 21st century"

    Carol Monaghan MP on PACE: "When the full details of the PACE trial become known this will be put down as one of the biggest medical scandals of the 21st century."

    Carol Monaghan MP on PACE: "...the impact of the PACE trial on those with ME has been devastating."
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2018
  15. guest001

    guest001 Guest

    I agree and feel this is our best defence, ironically.
    Alvin, MEMarge, ladycatlover and 10 others like this.
  16. Robert 1973

    Robert 1973 Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Agree with all the comments here. Carol Monaghan has done amazingly well. Hope she can get some more TV/radio coverage. Agree that it was hugely significant that no MPs intervened in defence of PACE.

    One small disappointment was the lack of emphasis on the need for massive investment in biomedical research in order to develop effective treatments.

    Before anyone wastes precious energy transcribing the speech/debate (@Russell Fleming) remember the full transcript will be published in Hansard.

    Finally, I know this quote has been posted here already but it’s worth repeating with the video:
  17. Valentijn

    Valentijn Guest

    Not really. Their theory seems to be that thoughts alter the physiology, and that the physiology can be returned to normal with therapy.

    It's not clear what therapy would be. Other papers the same authors are currently involved with involve magnetic and sound stimulation of the brain :confused: I suspect they've given up on trying to talk patients out of being sick, and are now desperately clutching at straws while quacking in confusion.

    It really is shocking that these projects are getting funded. They must have connections.
    Alvin, MEMarge, ladycatlover and 15 others like this.
  18. Indigophoton

    Indigophoton Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I think they missed a few. There were 12 MPs who made comments or asked questions:

    1 - Jim Shannon DUP - Shouldn’t NICE abandon BPS therapies now?

    2 Jim Cunningham Labour - Employers don’t understand the suffering involved in ME, which affects employment

    3 - Alex Sobel Labour/Co-op - A typical constituent story of obtaining no treatment

    4 Rachael Maskell Labour/Co-op From a former physiotherapist MP, any intervention should be patient-led

    5 John Howell Conservative - The PACE trial has been condemned by many clinicians; what might an appropriate trial find?

    6 John Lamont Conservative- Specialist clinics are needed in Scotland

    7 - Layla Moran Lib Dem - A constituent story about the effect of ME on children

    8 Alison Thewliss SNP- The cover-up and way PACE was carried out is a miscarriage of justice

    9 - Nicky Morgan Conservative – Very important debate that needs more time and wider debate in the House of Commons. Just because academics believe in the trial, there are many sufferers for whom other treatments have not been pursued, and is the Minister angry about that?

    10 Luke Pollard Labour/Co-op– It’s also about believing the patients - patients are not believed about the condition, they are not believed about the PACE trial, patients should be listened to.

    11 Helen Whately Conservative – NICE guidelines review is welcome but meantime alternative treatments [to BPS] urgently need to be looked into and offered to patients.

    12 Paul Blomfeld Labour - Does the Minister recognise the case for suspending the current NICE guidelines on CBT and GET given they are potentially damaging

    ETA added 12th MP
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2018
  19. Cheshire

    Cheshire Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Many of you have said it yet, but I need to add my voice, as I'm very impressed by Carol Monaghan's speech. In a very short time, she managed to highlight many issues in a very convincing way. Questions and remarks from other MPs very encouraging too.

    I particularly like what she said about how science works and how the PACE investigators completely failed to recognize their hypothesis wasn't supported by facts.
  20. Sly Saint

    Sly Saint Senior Member (Voting Rights)


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