United Kingdom News (including UK wide, England, NI and Wales - see separate thread for news from Scotland)

Discussion in 'Regional news' started by Sly Saint, Sep 8, 2022.

  1. Yann04

    Yann04 Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Switzerland (Romandie)
    Confusing article. It seems someone who recovered from M.E. is trying to get people with all sorts of disabilities, including M.E. to exercise??

    Disabled adults urged to have a go at sports day with a difference - Belfast Telegraph

    A charity is encouraging people with a disability to come along to its free sports day in Enniskillen on Sunday.

    Shelley Cowan set up JustUs in 2019 to help boost accessibility and inclusivity for the disabled.

    As a teenager she was left bed-bound for 12 years by chronic fatigue syndrome (ME).

    Shelley was gradually able to use a wheelchair, which she was in for another decade.

    With the help of the Buddy Bear school in Dungannon, which teaches children with cerebral palsy, she managed to walk again. In April Shelley set herself the challenge of climbing the Cuilcagh boardwalk trail in Fermanagh in aid of JustUs.

    Now, with the help of the National Lottery’s Community Fund, the charity is hosting a fully inclusive sports day at Fermanagh Lakeland Forum.

    She said: “It’s for any adult with any type of disability to come along to, whether that be physical or sensory disabilities, learning difficulties, anybody with multiple sclerosis, ME, dementia, Down’s syndrome...

    “We will have canoeing, accessible bikes, accessible walks, badminton, pickleball and all the outdoor games you can think of. Also Connect 4, Jenga, limbo, golf putting sessions, tin can alley, target shooting, and small ten-pin bowling for those with mobility issues, or people who can’t lift heavy things.”
    MeSci, Trish, Peter Trewhitt and 2 others like this.
  2. Lou B Lou

    Lou B Lou Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Lord help us.
    MeSci, Sean, Trish and 3 others like this.
  3. Yann04

    Yann04 Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Switzerland (Romandie)
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2024 at 7:36 PM
    MeSci, Missense, Trish and 3 others like this.
  4. Yann04

    Yann04 Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Switzerland (Romandie)

    Text of Answer:
    Hi Yann - Shelley herself has had ME for many, many years and the day is full of something for everybody, including smaller outdoor games and table activities. Emergency services will also be on hand. JustUs are simply trying to provide an inclusive and accessible day for all
    Trish and Peter Trewhitt like this.
  5. Lou B Lou

    Lou B Lou Senior Member (Voting Rights)


    Tweet response from Hope for ME & Fibro NI:

    "Yes-well intentioned event but due to high number of concerns, the charity has issued the following information and caution for people with #ME and #Long Covid.
    A follow up on the scientific evidence would be appreciated
    @niamh_journo please."

  6. Lou B Lou

    Lou B Lou Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    That word *inclusive* again. Claiming that encouraging ME sufferers to exercise is about disability inclusivity. This is not the first time. So many ways ME sufferers are excluded, socially, medically, but our being included only mentioned when encouraging us to exercise, or engage in snake oil programs. Sheesh. It's like disability rights/inclusivity are now being used as a weapon to beat us with. Like inclusive is a magic word that makes the user of the word *in the right*, and the patients who point out the hazards of 'inclusive' exercise for #pwme *in the wrong*.


    Tweet content:
    Niamh Journo:
    "Hi Yann - Shelley herself has had ME for many, many years and the day is full of something for everybody, including smaller outdoor games and table activities. Emergency services will also be on hand. JustUs are simply trying to provide an inclusive and accessible day for all"

  7. Peter Trewhitt

    Peter Trewhitt Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Will emergency services be on hand in participants with ME’s own homes the next day or following weeks when PEM kicks in or months later if individuals take on upping their activity levels longer term leading to longer term deterioration?

    It could be argued, with some justification, that it is up to individuals with ME to decide what they can or can’t do on the day, but there is so much societal pressure to exercise and suggesting the organisers fully understand because one of them has ME just adds to that pressure. Because one person with ME can do something does not mean that everyone with ME should be able to do the same.
    Sean, MeSci, Yann04 and 2 others like this.
  8. Yann04

    Yann04 Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Switzerland (Romandie)
  9. Yann04

    Yann04 Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Switzerland (Romandie)
    Yes. But in this case it’s just basic decency and journalism integrity to put a warning about exercising with ME in the article.

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