Well-known, famous people with Covid-19 and Long Covid

Discussion in 'Long Covid news' started by Forbin, Mar 27, 2020.

  1. Mij

    Mij Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Krein Bons is stepping down as CEO of jewellery chain Lucardi due to health reasons. The Dutch chain has started looking for a successor for the former vanHaren CEO and Deichmann director, while other board members will temporarily take over his tasks.

    Long covid
    Bons only started as CEO at Lucardi in February this year, but now has to resign his position due to health reasons. He is said to be struggling with the effects of long covid, RetailTrends reports, but the CEO will remain involved with Lucardi as an advisor.

    The jewellery retailer, which has nearly 140 shops and 1,100 employees, is implementing a new shop concept, opened pilot shops in Belgium and Germany and launched a new webshop just today.

    Bons was CEO at vanHaren for 26 years and brought the shoe chain to Belgium. In May 2022, he announced his departure from the company to take things a little easier. He is also chairman of trade association InRetail.

    RedFox, MeSci, Arnie Pye and 8 others like this.
  2. SNT Gatchaman

    SNT Gatchaman Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Aotearoa New Zealand
    Tell me again about those secondary gains.
    Joan Crawford, EzzieD, shak8 and 14 others like this.
  3. NelliePledge

    NelliePledge Moderator Staff Member

    UK West Midlands
    CEO malingering :whistle:
    Ariel, Joan Crawford, lycaena and 9 others like this.
  4. TiredSam

    TiredSam Committee Member

    Type A personality innit.
    Ariel, Joan Crawford, EzzieD and 5 others like this.
  5. forestglip

    forestglip Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Dianna Cowern aka Physics Girl's Instagram


    "In one week Dianna is live-streaming a full day of her life to share what the experience is like for someone suffering from chronic fatigue. Dianna and Kyle are raising money to support research and clinical trials for long COVID.

    The live stream will take place Saturday, July 6th 2024, from 6:45 AM(PT) to 6:00 PM(PT).

    The live stream will consists of seeing Dianna, and what she does every day as a person with long COVID, interspersed with QnA's for the audience to ask anything they want, and a series of interviews with experts in the industry helping us all better understand the disease.

    We hope you join and help us raise awareness for those suffering from this disease."
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2024
    Ariel, rvallee, Sean and 3 others like this.
  6. Yann04

    Yann04 Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Romandie (Switzerland)
    awesome initiative but comon “chronic fatigue”….
    Ariel, rvallee, Joan Crawford and 7 others like this.
  7. Yann04

    Yann04 Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Romandie (Switzerland)
    The description seems to have changed for much the better
    MeSci, EzzieD, Peter Trewhitt and 4 others like this.
  8. forestglip

    forestglip Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    She's almost certainly not writing any of this herself. Almost all her tweets are written by her husband. I'd assume he would be pretty familiar with terminology by now, but maybe it's someone else from her team that did this one.
    Ariel, EndME, rvallee and 4 others like this.
  9. Mij

    Mij Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I personally don't know who she is. Perhaps a t.v 'reality star' or broadcaster in the U.K?

    'They think it's glandular fever, an big infection & an abscess in my throat. I didn't allow myself any recovery time after covid & it's just compromised my immune system I suppose- I haven't allowed myself any downtime this year,'

    ' have burn the candle at both ends, worked a punishing schedule & ignored all signs that my body was desperate for a break; feeling drained, overwhelmed, can't sleep at night for anxiety exhausted in the morning, loss of appetite, not prioritising my exercise- I haven't done anything since the half marathon in April which is so unlike me'.

    forestglip and Peter Trewhitt like this.
  10. NelliePledge

    NelliePledge Moderator Staff Member

    UK West Midlands
    Yes @Mij she has been on a reality tv programme
    Mij, forestglip and Peter Trewhitt like this.
  11. lycaena

    lycaena Senior Member (Voting Rights)

  12. SNT Gatchaman

    SNT Gatchaman Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Aotearoa New Zealand
    The article is archived here.

  13. forestglip

    forestglip Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    The physician is Natalie Grams.
  14. alktipping

    alktipping Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    " It may be that there is a large psychological component in some patients. But to winged off before you have examined, must not be." this sentence says it all others could be safely thrown in the psych bin but not me . privileged behaviour indeed .
    Saz94, Ariel, geminiqry and 7 others like this.
  15. lycaena

    lycaena Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    The newspaper article is from February this year and was written in an early phase of her Longcovid. Her Instagram account is very symphatic, unfortunately not many followers yet, as she was on Twitter before her illness.

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/doc.natalie.grams?igsh=YnhxdXBiMTNkcTk3 (in German language)
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2024
  16. Yann04

    Yann04 Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Romandie (Switzerland)
    Yeah honestly I don’t think we can blame people for half-believing BPS stuff at first. It’s really hard not to get bombarded with it when you first learn about the illnrss sadly. Thoigh to be fair she is a doctor so we should have higher (or maybe actually lower?) expectations.
  17. rvallee

    rvallee Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Ben Affleck's daughter had Long Covid (now recovered) and is one of the very few who think it's a good idea to do something about it. Being the daughter of a famous actor, she's often photographed by paparazzi and always wears a mask out in public.

    The fact that not even 0.1% of recovered long haulers can be bothered with will remain one of the most surprising things I've ever seen, it explains so much about why humans are so bad at dealing with problems, and how even giant issues like this can go completely ignored for decades.

    She is talking here to the LA County Board of Supervisors about a proposed mask ban, which are gaining in popularity. Because humans are that stupid, it seems.

    Hi, Violet Affleck, Los Angeles resident, first time voter. I'm 18. I contracted a post-viral condition in 2019. I'm okay now, but I saw first-hand that medicine does not always have answers to the consequences of even minor viruses. The Covid 19 pandemic has thrown into sharp relief. 1 in 10 infections leads to Long Covid, which is a devastating neurological cardiovascular illness that can take away people's ability to work, move, see and even think stands to exacerbate our homelessness crisis, as well as the suffering of many people in our city It hits communities of color, disabled people, elderly people, trans people, women and anyone in a public facing essential job the hardest. To confront the Long Covid crisis I demand mask availability, air filtration and far-UVC light in government facilities, including jails and detention centers and mask mandates in county medical facilities. We must expand the availability of high-quality...​
    Ariel, bobbler, alktipping and 11 others like this.
  18. Jaybee00

    Jaybee00 Senior Member (Voting Rights)

  19. forestglip

    forestglip Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Sydney Morning Herald: ‘It was taken away from me’: The Olympic champion who spent a year battling long COVID

    By Adam Pengilly

    "Matt Wearn won an Olympic gold medal... [in regatta]"


    "For any Olympic gold medallist, there can be a range of emotions in the months afterwards: elation, fulfillment, contentment, ambition, even depression that it’s over.

    But for Wearn, his post-gold experience involved countless days in bed and on the couch, looking at the four numbers, wondering if his body would allow him to sail properly again. He not only fell sick but was so sick he couldn’t seem to shake it. It was eventually diagnosed as long COVID.

    For most of the first year after he won Olympic gold, Wearn struggled to get out of bed or off the couch. He tried to sail a few times, and couldn’t figure out why his body felt so horrible. His mind stayed relatively sharp, but he needed to rest. It was a struggle walking down to the local shops."


    "But he found peace with a physiologist, who established a support group for other elite athletes afflicted with long COVID. [...]

    Since then, Wearn has returned to his best, winning his first and second world titles and is now basing himself in Marseille for his Olympic defence. He still has hay fever relief and decongestant at hand for when his symptoms flare up, but he’s back on the water and trying to keep Australia’s proud history of men’s Laser success alive following the victories of Tom Slingsby (London) and Tom Burton (Rio).

    “I’m one of the lucky people back doing what I do,” he says. “Now I feel fitter and stronger than I ever have in my career. People expect us to bring home gold medals now. [...]

    “I still deal with stuff on a daily basis from a long COVID point of view. But it’s about understanding the stuff I’m going through is nothing compared to what other people are experiencing.”"
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2024
    Peter Trewhitt likes this.
  20. forestglip

    forestglip Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Swiss cyclist Marlen Reusser:

    "Hello everyone, unfortunately I have to announce today that I will not be able to take part in the Olympic Games in Paris. I suffer from a so-called post-infectious syndrome caused by a viral infection... the cause of this syndrome is unclear... in February of this year I suffered from a covid infection, then a fall in Tour of Flanders and had fractures to my face and teeth, an operation and several infections in May, and I still haven't recovered."

    Last edited: Jul 16, 2024
    Ariel, Mij, Peter Trewhitt and 2 others like this.

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