People may also be at risk of persistent physical symptoms (PPS). Generally, these are defined as persistent bodily symptoms with functional...
preprint Abstract Background: When measuring latent traits, such as those used in psychology and psychiatry, it can be unclear whether the...
ABSTRACT Medically unexplained symptoms or persistent physical symptoms are common, real and are associated with significant distress, loss of...
Over the lifetime of Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry, there has been considerable progress in understanding the epidemiology of Chronic...
preprint Abstract Objectives: Fatigue is a pervasive clinical symptom for many infected with respiratory viruses such as influenza or...
Background: Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is recommended in guidelines for people with refractory irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). However,...
Full title: BMC family practice integrated GP care for patients with persistent physical symptoms: feasibility cluster randomised trial [Worth...
Trudie Chalder & Claire Willis (2017) “Lumping” and “splitting” medically unexplained symptoms: is there a role for a transdiagnostic approach?,...
Optimising engagement and outcomes for patients with Functional/Medically Unexplained Symptoms This conference will be delivered on Zoom. This...
found this in a job advert REDUCE Research Programme - Clinical Psychologist interested in Health King's College London - Department of...
Peter White (ed.) 2005: Biopsychosocial Medicine, An integrated approach to understanding illness. Oxford University Press...
Due in the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine Abstract Objectives Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is commonly used to treat Chronic...
Study protocol for POSITIF, a randomised multicentre feasibility trial of a brief cognitive-behavioural intervention plus information versus...
BPS crew in shock "ill people pay attention to their symptoms, while healthy people don't pay attention to symptoms they don't have" insight....
David Tuller: Trio of Trials Shows Limits of CBT for Medically Unexplained Symptoms Lancet Psychiatry recently published the results of a...
Not sure if this deserves it's own thread or should be folded into the PACE thread as it's based on PACE trial data. Objectives To classify...
Abstract Sleep problems have a negative impact on a range of outcomes and are very common in adolescents with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). We...
CODEs study group ProfLaura HGoldsteinPhDaEmily JRobinsonMScbgJohn D...
Abstract Objective Fatigue is a highly prevalent and debilitating problem in women with breast cancer. This study investigated the cognitive,...
Webcast Persistent (Medically Unexplained) Physical Symptoms: A Scientist Practitioner Approach Monday 8th June 10.00 – 15.30 Trudie Chalder,...
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