The minutes for the first two meetings of the TSC (attached) have been available for some years. I was always struck by the entries on COI. All...
'Cargo Cult'; I came across this in the 'Magical Medicine: How to make a disease disappear' article" asking if PACE might be an example and that...
The Herald: ME sufferers welcome 'unreliable' stamp on exercise report...
Syndrome de fatigue chronique : Que conclure de la réévaluation de l’essai clinique PACE ? Publié par : Jacqueline Charpentier Publication : 23...
I have now received these minutes. TSC: TMG:...
This briefing was prepared by a Science for ME working group of patients, most with a background in science and mathematics. The authors,... I...
I’ve just posted a blog about the important new paper from @Carolyn Wilshire @Tom Kindlon, David Tuller and others that exposes serious flaws in... Fresh analysis of a controversial study, which recommended exercise and psychological therapy for...
Just had this ruling pop up on google: I vaguely remember...
Free full text: [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Action for ME recently joined the forums. On another thread, Clare from Action for ME (AfME) wrote: I’m going to answer a couple of this thread’s...
We think we have got what we need now. Thanks. I'm working with a few people to write something about the PACE trial. Can anyone recall, ideally...
Moderator note - three threads on questions in the UK House of Lords and House of Commons have been merged at the request of the original posters...
Royds Withy King - The PACE trial – “one of the biggest medical scandals of the 21st century” Posted by James Millar Craig...
Here is my analysis of the response from Caroline Dinenage MP, Minster of State for Care, during the Westminster Hall Debate on PACE and its...
This is for U.K. residents only. The PACE trial scandal and the failings of both QMUL and Bristol Uni, have exposed a gap in UK research...
The Norwegian biology professor Kristian Gundersen has several times criticised ME-patients for criticising research. First time was last year...
Just received decision in the post. Not read it all but ICO has ordered release of TSC and TMG minutes.
In the debate on the PACE trial yesterday, the Cochrane review was again cited as validation of the PACE trial results ".........scientists as...
Separate names with a comma.