There is a review of the paper found here: in the New England Journal...
What Doctors Don’t Tell You: ME: the cure that went away Bryan Hubbard...
My 2011 NY Times Exchange With the PACE PIs When the PACE trial was published in early 2011, my New York Times editor sent it to me, along with...
Only just seen this (I google less frequently than I used to):...
The PACE trial manuals no longer seem to be available from the QMUL website without a log in:...
Also mentions her EDM:...
A new blog post by @Lucibee, In my first blog about the PACE trial, I discussed the lack of objective measures, and the bothersome issue of not...
Just saw this had picked up 4k views in the first hour, so thought it was worth mentioning: [MEDIA] Looks like the creator is mainly a fashion...
In response to a request on twitter, following the Montreal conference, the BJSM has invited papers (subject to the usual peer review) addressing...
"Missing the fizz: my long battle to understand the mysteries of ME"...
23-second clip of a segment of Michael Sharpe's appearance on Victoria Derbyshire Talking therapies and exercise for #ME are "not magic cures but...
The mention is only short, but I thought it might still be of interest. It's not an ideal summary imo, but still good to have more mentions of the...
Hello, First post, here goes... I recently placed a number of Freedom of Information requests with the funders of the PACE trial, named on the...
A short piece by a firm of personal injury solicitors presumably seeing the possibility of legal action where patients have been harmed: In 2011,...
Tuller looks at some of the annoying and unjustified claims Andrew Lloyd has made about the PACE trial, and those pointing out problems with it....
[MEDIA] $75,436 and even higher since this Tweet. I had a feeling someone was going to come in towards the end and take care of this. :thumbsup:
VIROLOGY BLOG'S TRIAL BY ERROR: Reporting on ME/CFS Update April 16, 2018 The Home Stretch...
I thought I might have seen this posted somewhere but can't find it. It says 2018 but from the link it might be from 2016.: " Alison Millington...
A decent undergraduate McMaster University student video about "chronic fatigue syndrome". It covers the PACE Trial and correctly concludes the...
Separate names with a comma.