I've put both a report of my impressions of the meeting, and my list of points to raise, into this blog post....
https://www.nrshealthcare.co.uk/articles/condition/chronic-fatigue-syndrome The most in-depth guide to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Learn all about...
This blog/ article has a few red flags..........maybe the writer should have done a bit more research or is it deliberate? Starts off OK ish........
As it seems a lot of people go on to develop ME following a virus (children in partic seem particularly susceptible after mono,EBV), I thought I'd...
ABSTRACT Objective: We previously described symptom-based chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS/ME) phenotypes in clinical assessment data from 7,041 UK...
The below is from Sheffield ME & Fibromyalgia Group. Would be grateful if people could distribute around any Sheffield related networks and/or...
04 December 2017 4:30 pm Oral Evidence Session Research integrity Witness(es) Dr Ivan Oransky, Co-Founder, Retraction Watch, and Distinguished...
http://www.parliament.uk/business/publications/written-questions-answers-statements/written-question/Lords/2017-11-22/HL3499/ The Countess of Mar...
"Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt has been brutally taken down by Ralf Small in 42 tweets – after he challenged the actor to a ‘double-dare’. Small...
Source: Action for ME Date: November 14, 2017 URL: https://www.actionforme.org.uk/news/raising-concerns-about-me-in-scottish-parliament/ Raising...
From an email Click here to register your interest in joining our online focus group. We will be holding an extended focus group to find out...
Deadline of November 10th 2017 to submit your input to the parliamentary inquiry on PIP and ESA [MEDIA] Scope of the inquiry The Committee...
Having now been " properly" diagnosed I had expectations that things might improve and that the ME Service might start giving me some sort of...
Moderator note - three threads on questions in the UK House of Lords and House of Commons have been merged at the request of the original posters...
Separate names with a comma.