Covid-19 vaccines and vaccinations

Discussion in 'Epidemics (including Covid-19, not Long Covid)' started by hinterland, Dec 3, 2020.

  1. Kitty

    Kitty Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Just looked it up, and yes. It's being sold to pharmacies for paid-for vaccinations.

    Vaccination is free to anyone qualifying for the NHS booster programme, so that's what I'll be doing—though if I didn't qualify, I'd at the very least be looking up how much the private service costs. I spend time in a group twice a week where masking isn't feasible, so I prefer to have 'flu and Covid jabs.
  2. NelliePledge

    NelliePledge Moderator Staff Member

    UK West Midlands
    I’m booked in for my routine flu jab in a week at my GP surgery special Saturday opening just for jabs. Unlike last year they have now actually told people in advance that Covid jab will also be available. I had both together last year no problems so will go with one in each arm again.
  3. Peter Trewhitt

    Peter Trewhitt Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    (In the UK). I had already booked in with my GP for the flue jab, but had thought I wasn’t eligible for the Covid jab. However I got an email today that said anyone over 65 is now eligible for it (I am 65). Have booked into a vaccination centre for two time, but don’t know which type it will be.
    Ash, Kitty and Trish like this.
  4. Kitty

    Kitty Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I've only had notice from the GP surgery about 'flu. That's booked in for next week, but if they have Covid jabs in stock by the time I go, I'll probably have them both.

    I've booked the 'flu jab to avoid a couple of social things, as I now get the sort with the special adjuvant for wrinkly old bats. It made me feel a bit off for a couple of days last year—I'd never had a reaction to it before.
    Ash and Trish like this.
  5. Sean

    Sean Moderator Staff Member

    It is important to protect oneself against blocked chimneys.
    wingate, Ash and Kitty like this.
  6. Ash

    Ash Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I get to have my booster jab earlier or at all on medical grounds weakened but not the immunocompromised category.

    So I get a letter telling me that I ‘may be eligible’ but upon trying to book it becomes clear that what that means is I can book an appointment because maybe I qualify for a vaccine. But they don’t actually decide whether or not I do until I am in the appointment at the chemist.

    I’ve never actually been stopped at this point but I do get grilled on whether I really need one sometimes.

    I don’t react well to the vaccines about two weeks feeling like I have flu maybe a couple of months feeling generally bad. But I often can’t have a vaccine until way late because I can’t leave the house for one. Always leaving me tempted to just not have one.

    But I have asthma and I have had severe breathlessness each time I’ve had suspected Covid last time I thought I might have to call an ambulance. The first time it’s been that bad since my first infection pre vaccinations so I think I’ll have to have one. I really don’t wanna go like that.

    I was thinking of trying to get a Novavax one privately in hopes of fewer side effects or faster recovery.

    But I don’t know how recently updated the current batches will be compared with say Pfizer and Moderna vaccines. I to find out but got too confused and gave up.

    If anyone knows give me a shout?!

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